- Faculty of Biosciences
- Bellaterra Campus
- Duration: 4 courses - 240 credits
- Places: 60
- Admission mark: 11,740
- Price per credit: 18.46 euros
- Language: Catalan (45%), Spanish (45%) and English (10%)
- Academic calendar
- Learning mode: Classroom-based learning
Genetics is transforming modern biology. If you are interested in discovering the genetic basis of life and its multiple applications, the bachelor's degree in Genetics offers you the opportunity to receive training in a discipline with a growing demand in today's society.
The UAB is the only public university in Spain to offer this degree, which can be compared to the studies offered in other prestigious universities in Europe and around the world.
This bachelor's degree offers an interdisciplinary training ranging from classical genetics, molecular and population genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, to genetic diagnosis and bioethics.
The academic programme includes work placements in prestigiously renowned public and private entities. It also offers exchange programmes which will allow you to spend part of your studies at another university or local or international genetics centre.
You will acquire the theoretical and practical skills needed to work in both the public and private sectors and develop yourself professionally in both basic and applied research in any of the fields of genomics, biomedicine, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, phorensic genetics, improvement of agriculture and livestock genetics and the food industry.
Career options
Genetic researcher doing basic, applied and/or clinical research in public centres, companies and/or hospitals.
General counselling of individuals and populations in genetic health services and companies.
Scientific management and counselling of genomic, pre and post natal genetic diagnosis, biotechnological (transgenic, recombinant, and genic therapy) and pharmaceutical (tailor made products, genotoxicity) companies.
Genetic services companies (sequencing, microarrays, genomic analysis, bioinformatics).
Education and teaching at universities, middle education centres and institutions.
Genetic improvement of farm animals and crops.
Scientific policy, forensic medicine and paternity testing.
Quality control in the food industry (traceability, race detection, varieties, transgenic, etc.).
Institutions and companies involved in environmental consultancy, genetic diversity, conservation (zoos, natural parks).
Specialist scientific popularisation and translation for newspapers, journals, publishers, etc.
Mobility programmes
- Exchanges with European universities (Erasmus+).
- Exchanges with universities in Spain (Sicue).
- UAB Mobility Programme with universities around the world.
Professional training
Each academic year contains work placement modules in which you will have the chance to develop your skills in a laboratory and learn to integrate experimental results.
The optional practicum, worth 12 credits, offers students the possibility of working in a firm or research centre.