
Engineering Databases

The ACM digital library
Platform with the full text of all the publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), including magazines, conference proceedings and books. It also includes full text from other publishers. On the other hand it contains "The ACM Guide to Computing Literature", a complete bibliographic database centered exclusively in the field of computer science.
Scientific deposit maintained by the Library of the University of Cornell for the publication of scientific articles in digital format and in open access, in the fields of mathematics, physics, computer science and electrical engineering, among others.

Researcher of scientific literature, mainly computer science and information science, developed by The College of Information Sciences and Technology - The Pennsylvania State University, with the aim of improving the dissemination of this literature and providing improvements in functionality, usability , availability, etc. in access to scientific and academic knowledge.

IEEE Xplore: digital library
Full text database of IEEE and IEE publications. Contains magazines, articles, standards and conferences since 1988 on electrical and electronic and computer engineering. It also offers virtual courses.

New portal in the databases of the CSIC, this is a multidisciplinary bibliographical resource that compiles and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals and replaces "CSIC Databases: ICYT, IME, ISOC"

Lecture notes in computer science
Full text database for books and magazines in the "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) collection. It includes the sub-collections "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" (LNAI) and "Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics" (LNBI)

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
Repository of crystallographic structures generally obtained by X-ray diffraction. There is a free consultation part accessible through the internet through The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC) and a part that can be consulted with license and that is available in some UAB computers. More information in the library.

Chemical Safety Library
Collective repository of data on dangerous reactions, which aims to alert about potentially dangerous experiments to avoid accidents and improve safety in laboratories.

Database of the Royal Society of Chemistry (CSR), free of charge, with more than 50 million chemical structures, properties and associated information. Integrates data from hundreds of sources and includes additional properties, related information, and links to original data sources.

Espacenet: Europe's network of patent databases
Created by the European Patent Office (EPO), it offers a free patent search and technical development service since 1836. It contains more than 110 million documents worldwide and is updated daily. Free access.

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
Encyclopedia with articles on chemicals (properties, manufacture and uses). It includes information on industrial processes, and issues related to environmental and health issues. See the guide for more information.

Access to the international applications of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) with the full text format on the day of publication and the patent documents of the national and regional patents participating offices. Free access

Database of organic chemicals with their structure and biological activity. It allows joint or separate search in its three subbases: PubChem Substance, PubChem Coumpond and PubChem BioAssay.

Integrates various databases of the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAplus, CASREACT, CHEMCATS, CHEMLIST, CIN, MARPAT and REGISTRY) and incorporates Medline. It stands out by the option to look for chemical products for the structure, substructure or reactions. Includes commercial catalogs. Search results include all kinds of documents and patents stand out.
To check it for the first time you must register from a computer connected to the UAB network and using the institutional mail of the UAB. Go to the library in case you have problems accessing.


Search engine for biomedical literature, including life sciences, chemical science and bioengineering, among others, known as Medline when distributed by providers. PubMed is a free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Platform that integrates various databases of the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAplus, CASREACT, CHEMCATS, CHEMLIST, CIN, MARPAT and REGISTRY) and incorporates Medline. Highlights for the option to look for chemicals by structure, substructure or reactions. Includes commercial catalogs. Search results include all types of documents, and patents stand out. To consult it for the first time, it is necessary to register from a computer connected to the UAB network and using the institutional mail from the UAB. Contact the library if you have problems accessing.

Important both for content and for the services added: bibliometry, identification of authors and affiliations. It is the largest database of abstracts and citations reviewed by peers in the world. It is updated daily. It contains information in 40 languages, plus non-Anglo-Saxon coverage (6900 European journals, more than 50% of the titles are European, South American and Asia-Pacific).

Web of Science (WoS)
Website portal of the Clarivate Analytics company that allows the access to a set of bibliographic and bibliometric databases of a multidisciplinary nature. Searcheable by subject and by mentioned work and / or author, consult bibliometric indicators (number of citations, index H, impact factor of the magazines, etc.)


Portal in the databases of the CSIC, this is a multidisciplinary bibliographical resource that compiles and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals and replaces "CSIC Databases: ICYT, IME, ISOC".

OpenGrey: system for information on grey literature in Europe
Prepared by the Institut de la information scientifique et technique, it contains bibliographic citations of gray literature generated in Europe. It collects documents of science, technology, biomedicine, economics, social sciences and humanities. Includes technical or research reports, doctoral theses, conference proceedings, official publications and other types of gray literature. Free access

History of science

History of Science, Technology & Medicine
Access to four bibliographies: Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Culture), Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza i Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine.

Servei d'arxius de ciència
Web service that allows the localization, conservation and dissemination of the documentary heritage of science, technology and medicine in Catalonia. It channels the scientific-technical documentary funds to the archive network and acts as a collection and distribution point of information. Free access.