Animal medicine and health

Animal medicine and health databases

This bibliographic database, produced by the National Agricultural Library, consists of worldwide literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture and related fields.

AHPC (The Animal Health & Production Compendium)
Encyclopedic resource for health and animal production (pigs, birds, ruminants) prepared by CABI. It contains references, images, information sheets (datasheets) of more than 300 diseases, pathogens and races from 150 countries. It includes the most recent geographic distribution data from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and information from the Consultant database of the University of Cornell. It also includes definitions from the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary (Elsevier), the World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds and the Encyclopaedia of Farm Animal Nutrition.

Database of the field of biosciences. Collect full text over 200 magazine titles from 135 nonprofit societies and publishers. You can find titles such as: Crop and Pasture Science, Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology, Weed Technology, etc.

BSAVA Library
Database of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, includes manuals, guides, formulary, CPD webinars, lecture recordings, etc.

CAB eBooks
It is an electronic book platform, divided into 6 collections: Agriculture; Animal and veterinary sciences; Environmental sciences; Human health & nutrition; Leisure & tourism; Plant sciences The books are indexed and can be retrieved by chapters. It allows you to read books online, print and download the pdfs.

Natural Science Collection
Access to:
•    Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
•    Biological Science Collection
•    Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection

S-PAC (Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences)
Es una base de datos de actos y proceedings de los diferentes congresos que se celebran en el ámbito del área de la Ciencia Animal. También incluye un calendario de conferencias de esta área. Contiene información adicioinal sobre las conferencias particulares, incluyendo información de registro sobre muchas de ellas y detalles para solicitar copias en papel de las actas de dichas conferencias.

It is a medical imaging-based veterinary anatomy atlas, created under the supervision of Dr. Susanne AEB Boroffka, dipl. ECVDI, PhD and Dr. Antoine Micheau.

VetMed Resource: veterinary information to support practice, based on evidence and continuing education
Database that includes more than 107,000 full-text documents (magazine articles, conference contributions, newsletters ...) and more than 1.8 million bibliographic records labeled with keywords. It also gives access to CAB Reviews, news and Smart searches — searches prepared by experts that help the user find the best and fastest results among VetMed Resource records. It also covers more than 5000 veterinary and animal health journals with records from 1972 to the present.


Academic Video Online
A video streaming platform with more than 70,000 videos.

Search engine for biomedical literature, including life sciences, chemical science and bioengineering, among others, known as Medline when distributed by providers. PubMed is a free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Important both for content and for the services added: bibliometry, identification of authors and affiliations. It is the largest database of abstracts and citations reviewed by peers in the world. It is updated daily. It contains information in 40 languages, plus non-Anglo-Saxon coverage (6900 European journals, more than 50% of the titles are European, South American and Asia-Pacific).

Web of Science (WoS)
Website portal of the Clarivate Analytics company that allows the access to a set of bibliographic and bibliometric databases of a multidisciplinary nature. Searcheable by subject and by mentioned work and / or author, consult bibliometric indicators (number of citations, index H, impact factor of the magazines, etc.)


Portal in the databases of the CSIC, this is a multidisciplinary bibliographical resource that compiles and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals and replaces "CSIC Databases: ICYT, IME, ISOC".