Teaching quality

Evaluation surveys

The opinions of the different interest groups that compose the UAB, their degree of satisfaction and their comments and suggestions are a fundamental part of the degrees revision and improvement process and of the general functioning of the University.

The present deployment of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) foresees the following mechanisms in order to gather the satisfaction degree of the different stakeholders:

  • The UAB makes available to the different stakeholders OPINA UAB, a communication channel between the University administration and the stakeholders groups that compose the university, this is to say: students, teaching staff and administration staff.
  • The degrees coordination boards and the centres management boards have at their disposal the mechanisms to gather the satisfaction of the different stakeholders, for instance:
    • Periodical meetings with student representatives (delegates, student council, etc.)
    • The debates at the different bodies with student, teaching staff of administration staff representation: academic commissions, degree commissions, faculty board, etc.
  • Surveys to gather the opinion:


Survey stakeholder Goal

Evaluation of the teaching performance

Bachelor's and Master's students
To know the satisfaction degrees on questions related to the activity performed by the teacher in class

At the end of each semester

To know the degree of satisfaction about bachelors subjects/masters modules
Graduates degree of satisfaction Bachelor's and Master's graduates To know the graduates' satisfaction degree about the degree pursued and about the University At the end of studies

Graduates professional insertion
Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral graduates To know the levels of professional insertion (and the quality of these jobs) and the satisfaction degree about the degree pursued
Every three years