Audiovisual resources for academic use
Any audiovisual resource found on the internet is protected by copyright. For more information on copyright, we recommend that you check the website Intellectual Property and Open Access (in Catalan), which includes a section dedicated to images and audiovisuals.
To determine what you can do with the materials you find on the web, check the CEDEC infographic Online available materials. If the material is obtained from an electronic resource paid by the UAB, you must review the license to determine its use. Refer to the web pages of the resources, and if you have any doubts, contact your reference library.
When including audiovisual resources in your academic work, websites, or OER, read the infographic How to incorporate text and audiovisual resources from others.
We also offer a list of audiovisual resources repositories with open access, Creative Commons, or Public Domain licenses. Before using any of these resources, make sure to read and comply with their license terms.