Master's Degrees and Graduate Diplomas (Continuing Education) More than 400 master's degrees and graduate diplomas to take a step forward in your professional career. Choose your future, choose UAB.

Master's Degrees and Graduate Diplomas (Continuing Education) in History, Philosophy, Art and Design

Master's Degrees Start date Places Modality
Exhibitions. Curatorship and Design Feb 25 30 Online
Graphic Design Oct 24 24 Onsite
Contemporary Arabic Studies Sep 24 25 Online
Graduate Diplomas Start date Places Modality
Ancient Egypt: Spaces, Languages, Identities Oct 24 20 Online
Contemporary Applied Arts Oct 24 30 Onsite
Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques Oct 24 26 Onsite
Curator and Exhibitions Mediation Feb 25 30 Online
Design and Exhibition Production Feb 25 30 Online
Design of Graphic Elements Oct 24 24 Onsite
Exhibitions. Temporary Spaces, Curating and Creative Practices Feb 24 26 Blended
Garden Art and Design Feb 25 26 Onsite
Illustration and Narrative Graphics: Creation and Craft Oct 24 38 Onsite
Illustration for Children and Youth Publications Oct 24 24 Onsite
Management and Preservation of Audiovisual and Sound Records Oct 24 50 Online
Management of Electronics Records Oct 24 30 Online
Management, Preservation and Dissemination of Photographic Archives Apr 24 45 Online
Web Design Feb 25 24 Onsite
Music Education Oct 24 25 Online