Campus Visits YouTube version (S02)

Explore the UAB with Eric and Paula!
Eric Sobrevia and Paula Ferrer take over the relief of Anna Ventura and Sandra Lleida and become the new Youtuber UABers visiting the UAB campus. The grass, the bars, the SAF… o how UAB is pronounced. In the first season of Campus visits YouTube version we have already visited the faculties, but there is still a lot of UAB to discover.
All this in less than 5 minutes without leaving YouTube! And to be a true UABer, you have to know all the corners that hide the campus.
Visit us often as we are preparing more videos or subscribe to our Youtube channel!
Campus visits
Angee & Júlia are the two guides to campus visits, and in this episode they share an interpretive duet with Paula & Eric, the two YouTubers of these same visits but the online version. And you, what visit would you like to do? The face-to-face or the online one?
What are the exams like at UAB?
You've probably wondered a thousand times what the exams at UAB are like. Are they test-type or writing exams? Are they easy or difficult? How long do they last? Eric and Paula become university experts to explain you the best tricks.
Fear of libraries
Eric has an atavistic fear of libraries. Fear not: panic. If he sees a door of a library, he starts to run away. In this episode, Paula guides him through the six libraries on the UAB campus to give him a shock treatment.
Life in the Vila
In american movies, students live in rented flats on the same campus... In American movies... and also at UAB!!! Paula and Eric live for a week in the Vila Universitària on the UAB campus.
Fem acció social
The UAB is a transformative uni ... and this is much more than a slogan! Eric and Paula discover all the options for volunteering at the UAB offered by the FAS, the Fundació Autònoma Solidària.
Cultura en viu
Cinema, theatre, dance, music, writing... validated by credits and open to everyone. Paula challenges Eric to take a walk through the wide cultural offer of the UAB.
Correbars UABer
To gossip, to experience the UABer atmosphere, to play cards, to share a meal, or a snack, or a coffee, a wok, a panini or a chocolate croissant... Eric and Paula do a correbars UABer and visit the campus bars. Bon appetite!
UAB... or WAP? How do you pronounce UAB?
Eric and Paula have an existential question: how do you pronounce the name of the UAB? U-A-B or WAP? To find out, they tell the UABers, but without realizing the purpose of the test. And the winner is...
How to survive a day at the SAF
Paula hates sports and Eric makes a risky proposal: they will spend a day together at the SAF, the UAB’s Physical Activity Service, and she will be his personal trainer. Little by little, they discover together the offer of sports facilities offered by the SAF, and for only 10€ a month for UAB students, and in the end, Paula gasps and says that...
What is the best corner at the UAB campus grass?
Eric & Paula are looking for the best corner of the grass at the UAB campus. They try the nap and investigate exotic animals here and there, asking for the opinion to many UABers, who give them lots of clues. The conclusion is a big surprise: the best corner at the UAB campus grass is ...