Bachelor's degrees We offer more than 80 bachelor's degrees

Top-scoring students

Carla Coll

Interview with Carla Coll, the student with the highest access mark in the UAB: 13,726. She will take Genetics, and she has high hopes for these studies. She is looking forward to learning all about  hereditary diseases and cancer.
You can see the interview here.

Carla Coll: 'Estudiar les malalties hereditàries i el càncer em motiva molt'

Pau Fernández

Telecommunication Systems Engineering
Pau Fernández is the student who achieved the highest access mark in the UAB in the field of engineering: 12.560.  He would like to help people and change the world through technology. You can see the interview here.

Pau Fernández: 'Vull ajudar a la gent amb les tecnologies'

Alba Romero

Spanish Language and Literature
Alba has joined the UAB with the highest access mark in the Humanities: 13.720. A native of Figueres, she is about to start out on a course in a subject she feels passionately about.
You can see the interview here.

Elena Bulet

Elena is the student who achieved the highest access mark in the UAB in the field of Social Sciences: 13,260. She enjoys talking in front of an audience and she is excited about the prospect of working as a radio or TV journalist. You can see the interview here.

Mariona Bonàs

Physics + Mathematics
Interview with Mariona Bonàs, the student who has obtained the highest access mark in the UAB in the Sciences: 13,720. She is passionate about astronomy, particle physics and mathematics, but she still finds time for dance, playing the violin, helping out in a youth club and tutoring.
You can see the interview here.