FAQs for teachers about the Teacher-assessment questionnaires
The Subject / Module Evaluation Survey contain questions about the structure and programming of the subject or module, the materials used, the course content, etc., while the Teaching Activity Evaluation Survey of Teaching Staff evaluates the activities carried out by the lecturers in the classroom.
All the groups of a subject, that have both students enrolled and teachers with informed teaching, can be surveyed.
There are two ways in order the subject/group/teaching staff members could be part of the area to be surveyed and could appear in the list of available surveys for a teacher:
- Automatically: the automatic generation of the scope of the survey considers, for the "TE - theory" typology, the number of teaching hours received by students. In this case, students must have received at least 15 hours, and each possible teacher must have taught at least 10 hours.
- Manually: if the teacher could not automatically find the subject/group in the previous list of the scope of the survey, he/she can contact the Academic Secretary Service of his/her centre to request manual inclusion in the scope of the survey.
For other types of teaching duties (such as laboratory practices, classroom practices, seminars, etc.), that depend or that are linked to an enrolment theory group, it will be necessary to have taught a minimum of 2 hours to this group of students.
It is also possible to request the Academic Secretary Service to include, through manual programming, those groups considered to be surveyed.
The survey is based on the teaching plan of the teaching staff, so the plan must be up to date. If you detect any errors, please contact the department or academic management office as soon as possible.
Within the selection of the survey those subjects/modules-group-teacher with the following teaching typology TE-Theory and that fulfill the rest of the requisites are included.
Within the selection to survey, it can also be included those subjects/modules-group-teacher of other types of teaching duties (such as laboratory practices, classroom practices, seminars, etc.), dependent/linked to an enrollment theory group, and that the degree/centre has decided to include.
Each survey is identified with the course name and code number, the group's code number and the full name of the lecturer who taught the subject. On the page that shows the surveys to be answered, if you position the cursor on the teachers’ identification icon, you will be able to see their photograph. You can also have access to teachers’ picture when you are answering a specific survey, on the upper left side of the screen. Before starting studentsare asked to confirm that they have been taught by that lecturer. If they say yes they are given access to the survey identified in the header.
Students know which lecturer they are evaluating because each survey is identified previouly with the course name and code number, the group's code number, the full name of the lecturer who taught the subject, and also his/her photografy. On the page that shows the surveys to be answered, if you position the cursor on the teachers’ identification icon, you will be able to see their photograph. You can also have access to teachers’ picture when you are answering a specific survey, on the upper left side of the screen. If all the lecturers who taught the subject/group meet the conditions for evaluation, students can complete a survey for each lecturer who has taught them.
The results reports are sent to the different bodies that make up the university:
Governing Team: General report
Centres (Deans and Directors): General report and Centre report
Departments: General report and Departmental report
Degrees: General report and Degree report
Administration and Academic Management for each centre: General report
Teaching staff: Individual report (via intranet and Sigm@-CDS / Manual for access to results)
Teaching Units of the Faculty of Medicine: Teaching Unit report
Students: General report published on the website
Participation can be consulted on the UAB intranet services: Sigma@-CDS > Ges Académica i Plans Docents > CDS: Professorat > Campus Docent (professors) > Monitorització d'enquestes.
When the deadline for responding to the teaching activity evaluation survey is reached no more consultations about monitoring participation in the response can be made.
As a result of analysis by the UAB Surveys Committee, together with information received from the coordinators of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and the directors of centres with the highest level of participation in the surveys the following good practices have been identified:
- Provide information about the objectives of the survey (see the Survey FAQs for teaching staff and subjects).
- Explain the usefulness of the surveys using the following arguments:
- continual improvement of the degree courses (monitoring and accreditation processes),
- transparency of data and accountability (diffusion and publication on the website),
- impact factor in the national and international academic rankings,
- influence in the evaluation of teaching practice,
- effect on budget distribution for centres and departments,
- changes made to the surveys, where necessary as a result of the analysis of previous ones.
- Take a few minutes at the beginning of a class so that students can answer the survey questionnaires (the study guides state that 15 minutes of class time should be reserved for this purpose).
- Provide information about where the results of previous surveys can be found (teaching staff evaluation surveys and subject evaluation surveys).