PhD Thesis defenses


Friday, May 31 2024

Dia · Setmana


8th ACCID and APC Conference: New Technologies in Accounting and Management

Campus activities, Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - UAB Sabadell Campus (Carrer Emprius 2, Sabadell)

Monday, June 3, 2024


The UAB Orchestra presents the traditional spring concert

Cultura en Viu

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Dialogues focused on "Community Actions"

CORES UAB, Conferences and congresses, Cooperation and solidarity, Diffusion, Research - Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera (Barcelona)

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Self-driving cars and legal safety of transport on debate

Conferences and congresses, Diffusion - Edifici Blanc (Room 307) and Online via Microsoft Teams


Inauguration of the 6th edition of the AI4ALL programme

Research, UAB Emprèn - Computer Vision Centre (Sala d'actes), UAB Bellaterra Campus

Friday, June 7, 2024


International Congress on Autonomous Driving and Legal Safety of Transport

Conferences and congresses - Edifici Blanc (Room 307), Vila Universitària, and Online via Microsoft Teams