PhD Programmes UAB is internationally renowned for its quality and innovation in research.
Choose your future, choose UAB.

What should I keep in mind before applying for the online deposit?

More information about the calendar for depositing doctoral theses.

In the online deposit application, within the documentation screen, please attach the suitability documents of your proposed external assessors. You will have to upload this suitability document filled by the two assessors, in accordance with UAB regulations, art. 325.bis.

If you aim for the international doctoral research component, the assessors can be the same, but remember that they must belong to foreign institutions.

Once yourself, your thesis supervisor and your academic tutor have validated your deposit, the PhD Programme Academic Committee will send your thesis to the assessors so that they can prepare the report. Previously, you may want to contact the assessors to inform them about this role they have been assigned but please do not send them your doctoral thesis.

These assessors must be agreed with your thesis supervisor/academic tutor. We recommend that you contact the coordination team of your doctoral programme to confirm that no additional information is required.

Before registering the deposit request, check that the persons listed as directors and as guardian are the correct ones. If not, do not record any details of the deposit and follow as soon as possible the instructions that you will find on this same page, in the section “Changes of directors and tutors”.

If you have external directors to the UAB you must, before starting the deposit, contact since they do not yet have access to validate the thesis deposit.


Activitats en català per a doctorands

In this video you will find information on how to enter your activities in your academic record.

Before requesting  to deposit your thesis online you should have carried out all the obligatory activities (indicated by a blue icon). Remember that you should have filled in all the details and uploaded the documentary evidence on the application. They must also have been validated by your supervisor or tutor.

Remember that together with the copy of the thesis, you must send your activities document to the members of the examination panel. To obtain it, you only need to enter your virtual file, in the "activities document" tab. At the bottom of the screen, you will find a button that says 'Print'; you must click and a PDF will be generated with the information that you can send to the members of the examination panel.


Compulsoty documents:

  • The thesis file.
  • A sheet with the names of the members of the examination panel (not necessarily signed).
  • Any documents required by your PhD Programme.
  • Turnitin similarity report of the thesis file
  • Affidavit on Turnitin's thesis report

Documents which will be required if you make any of this requests, and which should be uploaded in the 'Attach documents' section:

  • 2 reports for the International Doctoral Research Component.
  • Document containing the decision on whether the thesis may be written in a language other than Catalan, Spanish or English.
  • Document containing the decision of acceptance of a thesis as a collection of articles by the PhD Programme Academic Committee.

If the PhD Programme has authorised the presentation of the thesis as a collection of articles, you should indicate this in the online request form.

The request will be considered incomplete if you do not upload all the required documents or information.


When depositing your thesis, you must indicate the number of members of the examination panel, defined in the subscribed agreement.

Before starting the deposit, you must justify in your Sigma records (section of activities):

  • 62-Cotutelle_Research stay in foreign, public or private centres
  • 63-Cotutela_Research stay at the UAB

The certificate of stay for activity 62 cannot be signed by the thesis supervisor of the foreign institution. It can be signed by the person in charge of the centre, etc. On the other hand, the certificate of activity 63 must be signed by the UAB supervisor.

If you are in a cotutelle (international joint supervision), remember that you can obtain the international doctoral research component, which will also appear in your PhD title, if the stay of the the international mention takes place somewhere differerent to the stay of the cotutelle. This stay must be of, at least, 3 months. 

You can check the specific requirements for this international doctoral research component in this link.

More information about cotutelle (international joint supervision).

Thesis file format:

  • PDF. The thesis document should contain the entire content of the thesis. If there are restricted access articles, please indicate the DOI in the corresponding section. See the FAQs section.
  • The file should not be protected by a password.
  • The names of the files that are incorporated (that of the thesis, that of the examination panel sheet ...) cannot contain accents or special characters (_ - "/ etc.), only letters of the alphabet.

The thesis file should contain the thesis in its entirety, with the exception of theses subject to data protection or thechnological transfer processes.

Follow the formal criteria for presenting a PhD thesis.

Can I upload a replacement thesis fila?
See the FAQs

What do I have to know about Intellectual Property and Open Access?

We recommend you to make a complete impression of the thesis before attaching the copy in the application to detect possible pagination errors, graphics, images, personal or third party personal data, etc ...


We would like to inform you of the academic regulations of the UAB for the format of your thesis (Chapter III. The document of the PhD thesis). You can also find related information on the Recommendations for preparing doctoral theses webpage.

If your thesis is a compendium of publications, in accordance with article 330, the version of the articles permitted by the editor must be deposited in the UAB Digital Document Repository (DDD), via this form. In the event that an article cannot be published in open access, the Library Service will state this in a document that will exempt from compliance with this requirement.

For more information about the compendium of publications, see this link.




More information about the members of the examination panel.

On this page you will find the information on how the composition of the examination panel should be.


Ask the Coordinator of the PhD Programme (the department or institute responsible for your PhD) about requests to write the theses in languages other than Catalan, Spanish or English and the length of time in advance that this request should be made. You should upload the document containing the decision on your request in the ‘Attach documents’ section. 

If your thesis is being co-tutored please see the information on cotutelle.


In this webpage you will find a collection of the most frequently asked questions which can offer information and advice about intellectual property and open access, which carried no legal status on the part of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. You can access the information by doing a search or browsing the subject specific folders.

You can also check the open sicence portal and the webpage on data protection.

In the online request form you should tick the corresponding box and attach the expert reports in the ‘Attach documents’ section.

Students will no longer have to incorporate the expert reports for this mention at the time of deposit, since these will be the same as the external assessors. Remember that the informants for this research component must be from foreign institutions.

See more information about the International Doctoral Research Component.


In the online request form you should tick the corresponding box.

See the procedure for the Industrial Doctoral Research Component.


You have to make a request to do so one month before you begin the process of requesting to deposit your thesis on line, by writing to:

Check the procedures and decisions of the Standing Committee


You have to submit the request to the Permanent Board prior to starting the online deposit application at: (about two months before starting the deposit).
You will find the documentation that you have to present in this document. The document NOT ENCRYPTED, you can send it by email to the address or take it personally to the Doctoral School and deliver it to the director of the School or to the head of the Doctoral Technical Unit.

In the online deposit application, you must ONLY include the ENCRYPTED copy of the thesis and the rest of the documentation of the usual deposit procedure. Remember that the form to inform the defense that you use must be the specific one for the thesis under protection (Thesis subject to protection processes or technology transfer).

For more information:


First you need to check at (Online services and procedures/Research Monitoring) that the supervisor(s) and/or tutor named are those currently working with you on your thesis. If there are any changes or if the information is not correct you should contact the Doctoral Programme Coordinator (Department/Institute responsible for your PhD) as soon as possible.

Document to request the change  in the direction and tutoring of your thesis.

In the event that with this change you incorporate a person from outside the UAB into the management team, you must also attach this form.

Remember that if you modify one of your thesis supervisors or academic tutor, you must sign another commitment document.


Consult the information to do the self-registration of the thesis.

If you are the holder of a Large Family card or certification of any degree of disability issued by the Government of Catalonia and / or you have renewed it in the last year, and you have not provided us with it, you need to send a copy before making the deposit to ed.matrí (you must identify yourself by indicating your ID / passport, NIU, name and surname).

If your large family card or certification of any degree of disability is issued by the rest of the communities in Spain or you have any other documents accrediting a reduction in the cost of  the registration fees, please send a copy, before making the deposit, to ed.matrí (you must identify yourself by indicating your ID / passport, NIU, name and surname), to study if you have the right to the deduction. Later you have to send us by post an attested copy to the following address:

Atenció a l'Usuari
School for Doctoral Studies
Floor 3 - U Building
Travessera de Can Miró, s/n - Campus UAB
08193 - Bellaterra (Barcelona)


The regulations state that thesis defences must be on-site. In duly justified cases, defences may be held in which some or all of the people involved are connected online. You must apply two months before the date on which you wish to defend your thesis.  On this page (in Spanish) you will find the form and all the other information.


Consult and review your data of the access studies, such as that the indicated university where you did the studies that have given you access to the PhD is the correct one.

You can consult it in Sigma (Consulting the academic record and grades), in the section 'My access data'. In the event that there is any information that is not correct, you must send a message as soon as possible to