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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB)

FPI PhD scholarship

28 feb. 2011
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The project CSO2010-21979, directed by Joan Martinez-Alier, on ¿Social Metabolism and Environmental Conflicts¿, offers a 3 year doctoral scholarship to work on the `Analysis of social conflicts on the implementation of environmental water flows in Catalan rivers¿ at the Institute of Environmental
The project CSO2010-21979, directed by Joan Martinez-Alier, on ¿Social Metabolism and Environmental Conflicts¿, offers a 3 year doctoral scholarship to work on the `Analysis of social conflicts on the implementation of environmental water flows in Catalan rivers¿ at the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona - ICTA-UAB; http://www.uab.cat/icta

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