• UABDivulga

Mercury is one of the most dangerous chemical elements for the environment and humans. This makes it important to analyse how much mercury there is and what happens when it reaches the ground from industrials emissions. UAB researchers have studied the land closest to a chlorine-alkali plant located in the Netherlands.

Investiguen el comportament del mercuri quan arriba al terra

Chemical researchers work continuously in the combination of different molecules. It's very important to be able to adjust as well as it's possible the result of these associations to obtain the expected result. Scientists of the UAB Chemistry Department have studied how to obtain a large regioselectivity, it means, how to obtain mainly a...

Noves descobertes en la formació de molècules

A toolbox for chemical analysis

Electronic tongues are analytical systems which are used to recognise the chemical components in a liquid. For these systems to be able to decode information they need the aid of computers and applied artificial intelligence tools. In his doctoral thesis the researcher Jordi Gallardo Oña has...

Una llengua electrònica és una caixa d'eines que facilita les anàlisis químiques.

Often technology has been inspired by processes that are observed in Nature. Such is the case of the electronic nose and tongue. These tools are called like this because they imitate the smell and the taste operation. Researchers use them to extract the composition of chemical solutions. A group of investigators of the UAB has developed a...

Llengues electròniques: Digueu-me quin gust té i us diré què és

Although invisible to our eyes, the chemical processes determine the biological cycles in which we are all immersed. The knowledge of this microscopic world allows us to create applications for our daily life. The investigations on proton transference goes in this direction. In his doctoral dissertation, Ricard Casadesús analyzes these...

Reaccions i aplicacions del món microscòpic

Bioethanol as a renewable source of energy. In his thesis, Antonio Peinado Amores, from the Department of Chemistry,the process of alcoholic fermentation has been monitored by using an on-line Near-Infrared probe. In that way, the spectral information recorded has been translated into meaningful chemical information with the help of different...

Noves estratègies per al seguiment de fermentacions alcohòliques

In the design of new medicines, it is very important to know how the proteins' functions are characterized. Sandra Izquierdo's doctoral thesis, "�cids (+) i (-) aminociclobutan-1-carbox�lics i la seva incorporaci� en �-p�ptids. Estudi sint�tic i estructural", studied how the secondary structures of the particles that form the proteins, the...


To achieve an optimum, sure and clean industrial process is a challenge even now-a-days. It depends on several factors: macroscopic ones and those invisible to our eyes. Investigators of the ICMAB-CSIC at UAB are working at this level of approach. They closely study the physics and chemistry effects of industrial materials from a molecular...

Un model molecular que perfecciona processos industrials

Heterogeneous photocatalisis has generated great interest at the prospect of new methods becoming avalaible that allow industrial sectors to control the generation of non-biodegradable, toxic contaminants. Researchers of the Unit of Chemistry and Physics of the UAB Department of Chemistry have made improvements by modifying TiO2 with Al (III)...

Mètode de prevenció de la desactivació del TiO2 durant la fotodegradació de l'àcid salicílic