Frequently Asked Questions
EGRETA is a corporate application of the UAB and so, you will find it inside your intranet workspace.
Since this tool is integrated into the UAB’s own identification system, you will not need to sign in again.
EGRETA is an application enabled for active researchers at the UAB and for administration and service staff who perform research management support tasks, such as department managers and responsible administrators.
In order to access the application, you only need your NIU and the usual password. If you are unable to do so, please contact the Technological Research Office at the following email address or by calling +34 93 5814216.
When you log in for the first time, the system will ask you to choose the language in which you will be working.
However, if once inside the application you want to change the working language, you can always do so from the User Profile screen. You will find this screen in the upper right side and you will distinguish it because your NIU appears there. If you select it, your profile screen will open and you will see that the first option visible is the language configuration. In the drop-down menu you can choose the working language you prefer (Catalan, Spanish or English) but at the moment, the interface is only available in Spanish or English.
The interface of the EGRETA application is developed exclusively in English. Initially it was not foreseen that the interface would be in any olanguage other than English, but its wide implementation in the countries of Central and South America led to the decision to offer the application also in Spanish.
Unfortunately, the scope of implementation in the Catalan market is not enough (EGRETA is only implemented at the UAB) for Elsevier to consider it appropriate and profitable to translate the interface into Catalan.
You can do it through the User Profile. You will find this screen on the upper right side and you will see your NIU there. If you select it, your profile screen will open.
Among the options offered by the application (left menu) you will find the following:
You can set up each of these sections in the most convenient way for your working procedure.
Only the Research Support Technician (RST) staff with valid accreditation managed by the Research Commission can have access to EGRETA. Check out the UAB Research Virtual Office to manage the procedure.
In EGRETA the Projects are certain types of concessions (research projects and grants, international research projects, international educational projects) that it has been politically decided to show as a public part of the research carried out at the UAB. You can check out all your grants in the concessions section of EGRETA.
The information that appears in EGRETA has been previously loaded from other databases. If your personal data is incorrect, the changes must be made in the original database, that is, the HR database. (UXXI). The update in EGRETA of the modified data will be done one day after the corrections have been made in the HR database.
In the event that the wrong data belong to research output, contact the Technological Research Office at
Duplicate records often appear on EGRETA. They are generated when more than one author or editor adds the same record or when publication records are imported from Scopus to replace an initial record loaded from the Eina application.
When you create a record, the system will warn you with a red indicator if the publication already exists. Click on the red flag and then on the pop-up to open the suggested record. If this is the publication you want to add but you are not among the authors mentioned, select Claim this record.
The Technological Research Office is regularly working on solving problems with duplicate records. You can also contact the team at if you find any duplicates.
The Claim the content function can be made in two ways:
Access EGRETA and find the publication you want to claim, click on the item and a new window will open.
In the footer of the record’s page, select Claim this content
In the option "Do you want to add this content", write a message to the system administrators (optional) and select Claim this content again.
Start entering the information as if it were a new record.
When you enter the title of the publication a red box will appear with the text Possible duplicate.
Click on the box and the original record will be opened.
If it is yours, select the option Claim this content that appears at the footer of the record’s page.
In the option "Do you want to add this content", write a message to the system administrators (optional) and select Claim this content again.
Adding or obtaining an ORCID can make the attribution process of publications authorship more precise.
1. Access EGRETA and search the publication you want to claim, click on the item and a new window will open.
In the footer of the record, select Reject this content.
In the option "Do you want to delete this content", write a message to the system administrators (optional) and select Reject this content again.
The EGRETA team handles complaints about publications. Once they are resolved, you will be informed by email.
Adding or obtaining an ORCID can make the attribution process of publications authorship more precise.
If you have your research outputs in the DDD (Dipòsit Digital de Documents) and you have your ORCID informed in the DDD and in EGRETA, the research outputs that you have in there (articles, books and book chapters) will be loaded in EGRETA and it will be validated directly.
If you do not have an ORCID, or if it is not registered in both systems, content synchronisation will not be possible.
If you do not have an ORCID, you can consult the UAB ORCID Code page.
In order to access the system using your institutional manager account, you must comply the following steps:
Use your usual NIU password to access the application. You will access the application with an informant profile, which means that you will be able to consult information but not manage it.
Look for the option Change user in the upper part of the screen and select it. A window with the name of the department you are managing will be opened, select it and from this moment you will be able to access the data of your department, work with them, extract reports, etc.
If you need more administrative profiles to also access EGRETA, trusted users must be created. To do this, you must do the following:
Click on the NIU of the department that you will find in the top left side. The profile screen of the department will open.
Go to the Trusted user menu option.
Selecting that option will open a field in which you can indicate the name or the NIU of the person you want to add as a Trusted user.
Once you have made your selection, remember to save changes by pressing the button at the bottom of the screen.
If the search does not identify anyone with the NIU entered, contact the Data Research Unit (AGR) at +93 5814216.
It will be necessary to notify the full name of the person, his or her NIU and whether you want him or her to perform the same functions as you or only one in particular.

To speed up and ensure the transfer of data between the Research and Economics areas, managers (or previously appointed support persons) must inform about the responsible economic unit that will manage the award.
For this reason, once the applications that the researchers have submitted to a call or to a new research agreement/contract have been informed within the system, you will receive a notification requesting the above-mentioned assignment. To do this, you must access the field Responsible Unit and choose the economic unit related in the drop-down menu you will find. If the unit does not appear, you should ask the Economics Area to incorporate it.
The maintenance at EGRETA where you will find all the awards and agreements (internal and external) is at awards. See the concessions directly related to your center and to which you have editing rights in the editable section. On the other hand, you will find certain types of awards at the preconfigured filters that you will find below the editable section.
From the content you searched for, you will need to select the list view. Once here, at the bottom of the screen, you will see the option to download in PDF, Excel, HTML, Word, CERIF XML.
More information on the EGRETA space on the intranet.