Specialisation in Psychomotor Development from 0 to 8 Years

Children are whole beings who learn through the body and movement. Does this statement ring true for you? If you want training to do Psychomotricity at school, this is your graduate diploma

  • UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 1730/22
  • 22th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 35 ECTS
  • Start date: 01/10/2024
  • Finish date: 30/09/2025
  • Places: 30
  • Orientation: Academic, Professional
  • Price: 2178 €
  • Teaching language: Catalan
  • Location: Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació, Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Have you been in touch with Psychomotricity for some time and thinking about training as a psychomotrician? Keep reading and find out why our graduate diploma is the training you're looking for!

  • Because Psychomotricity at the UAB is a standard setter in Spain. Did you know our university was the first to contemplate Psychomotricity in initial teacher training for early childhood education, in the 70s? 
  • Because at the UAB we have our own unique understanding of Psychomotricity, based on constant improvement through research and self-assessment on the part of the whole teaching staff. We vouch for a cross-cutting Psychomotricity that feeds off other disciplines and a diversity of materials, and is present in all the school's spaces and timetabling. 
  • Because, since 1999, we have accompanied over 450 persons in their training as psychomotricians.
  • Because our teaching staff is made up of impassioned Psychomotricity professionals with a long track record as psychomotricians.
  • And finally, because we offer the three components that are needed in the training of psychomotricians: theory, practice and adult body techniques. 

This graduate diploma is for different professionals in education: broadening the content and competences in psychomotricity acquired in initial training. 

We will give you the tools needed to teach Psychomotricity both in the two early childhood education cycles (0-3 and 3-6 years) and in the first cycle of primary education (6-8 years). These are the ages when children express themselves as whole individuals and when the professionals guiding their development must focus on companionship, close observation and listening, adapting to each child. 

You will develop these attitudes through practical work and specific techniques for your own body.

Career opportunities

- Early childhood schools
- First and second cycle early childhood education
- Elementary schools
- Educational support services
- Families


It is necessary to have predisposition to realize 8 practical sessions in schools or centers the psychomotor education.
The aim is the practical knowledge of the profession under the supervision of a professional.
Psychomotor therapists and practice centers:

- Eva Bru i Elena Sarri de l'Escola Ítaca de Manresa.
- Paco Cortés de l'Escola Pau Casals de Vacarisses.
- Dolors Rovira de l'Escola Mestre Pla de Castellar del Vallès.
- Àlex Trigo de l'Escola Joan Maragall de Sabadell.
- Mónica Santos de l'Escola Mas Boadella de Sabadell.
- Mar Pérez i Cristina Agudo del CEIF Joaquin Blume de Sabadell.
- Glòria Amigó de “Espai de criança 0-3” de l'Ajuntament de Badia del Vallès.
- Carme Sánchez de l'Escola Tiana de la Riba de Ripollet.
- Francesc Porta de l'Escola Carlit de Barcelona.
- Sandra Aguilà de l'Escola Betània Patmos de Barcelona.
- Carme López de la Llar d'Infants El Passeig d'Hospitalet de Llobregat.
- Maite Mas de l'EBM Can Serra de Cardedeu.
- Silvia Giménez de l'Escola Can Manent de Cardedeu.
- Iols Trapote de l'Escola Pia de Mataró.
- Meritxell Vallverdú de l'EBM L'Espurna de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia.
- Lluís Nogué de l'Escola Vedruna de Girona.
- Dolors Rovira a “Anima't i Juga amb ells” de Montcada i Reixac (horari extra-escolar).
- Noemi Suriol i Ana Fernández del Centre Lenoarmi de Barcelona (horari extra-escolar).
- Silvia Miranelli de La Caseta – Projecte Educatiu de Barcelona (horari extra-escolar).

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal


Carolina Nieva Boza

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