Specialisation in Social Research Techniques

The online graduate diploma in Applied Social Research Techniques offers specialist postgraduate training in advanced research techniques in the social sciences and humanities

  • UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 2591/23
  • 23th edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 38 ECTS
  • Start date: 03/11/2025
  • Finish date: 30/06/2027
  • Places: 30
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 2850 €
  • Teaching language: Spanish
  • Location: Online
Master's Degree in Applied Social Research Techniques (TISA)

The graduate diploma in Applied Social Research Techniques, set up jointly between Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the University of Barcelona, offers specialist postgraduate training in advanced research techniques in the social sciences and humanities: profession-oriented and focusing on practical applications. It is delivered in collaboration with the Professional Association of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalonia (COLPIS).

Since 2003, the programme has been completing or complementing undergraduate training in the social sciences and humanities, taking into account the different methodological approaches to social research and offering a methodological and technical grounding in a wide range of procedures for producing, analysing and using social data in research. 

Specific objectives:

  • Provide thorough, up-to-date training, both theoretical  and applied, in the specialist field of research methods and techniques in the social sciences, for use in social research and in organisation and market studies.
  • Probe deeply into the different methodological approaches in social research (quantitative, qualitative or intervention-based, mixed), regarding the design, analysis and interpretation of data in applied social studies, to meet the needs of companies and institutions in terms of knowledge, planning and action.
  • Offer specialist training to help graduates join the labour market, and also continuous professional development for specialists already working in applied social research in businesses and institutions.

Career opportunities

This training aims to be open and flexible, general, diverse and inter-disciplinary to cover a great variety of professional opportunities.

The following are among the professional profiles that match the specialized training offered by the TISA postgraduate diploma:

- Social science research analysts
- Human resources managers and analysts
- Marketing and telemarketing operators
- Local and regional development agents
- European project analysts
- Social consultants
- Political consultants
- General public administration analysts.


The Postgraduate Diploma in Social Research Techniques contemplates optional professional work experience in a company or institution.

The aim of the work experience is to give students the opportunity to carry out specific tasks realted to social research within a professional environment. At the same time, for some students this experience represents a first contact withthe world of work.

The total duration of the placement for each student in the company or institution is 100 hours minimum and 500 hours maximum and the working hours will be established in advance between the parties. The work experience will take place at the end of the academic course.

The other objective is to give postgraduate students the opportunity to receive from the company or institution some kind of payment according to the conditions established in the agreementgiven their status and qualifications.

The work experience placements are sought and adapted to the individual interests of the students through the network of contacts of the teaching staff on the Postgraduate Diploma programme and the Professional Assocation of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalonia. Management of the work experience is one of the amin tasks of the professional association and requires the signing of an agreement with the universities offering the postgraduate diploma.

The professional work experience is co-tutored: the tutor at the company or institution and a lecturer on the Diploam course.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Instituto de Estudios del Trabajo

Collaborating centres

Col.legi de Professionals de la Ciència Política i de Sociologia de Catalunya


Jose Pedro Lopez Roldan

Phone: 935811676

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