Apply for admission to the programme
The admission process serves to ensure that all students meet the programme's requirements and thus guarantee an optimal work environment during the course. To apply for admission, you must apply online. Remember that you will need to upload the required documents.
In the event of seats remaining once the final date of application is expired, the direction may prolongue it.
30.21 € (fixed registration fee, non-refundable and not included in the programme price).
If you choose to pay by POS (card) you will need to complete the payment during the application process, inside the application.
Online application
Very important: before registering in the application, you must carefully read the information you will find on this page to have the required documentation ready and confirm that you meet the access requirements, and that the registration process is open.
The application interface will ask you to specify the study type (master's degree, diploma or specialisation coruse) and the codes of study and edition of the programme to which you want to enroll. Data from this program are: Study: 2591 and Edition: 23
To fulfill the application you need a NIU (UAB's University Identification Number). Choose the appropriate option for your case:
- Application with NIU: if you are a UAB student and remember your NIU and password:
- Application without NIU: if you're not a UAB student or can not remember your NIU and password (if you have any doubts, please check the REGISTRA'M NIU obtention handbook):
Application dates
from 01/03/2025 to 29/10/2025
Required documentation
- Official Bachelor Degree or comparable
- Academic record
- DNI, NIE, TIE (double-sided scanning) or valid passport
- Working experience (at least three years) in the field of applied research
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
- Academic transcript
- Photograph
Full d'inscripció per accés sense titulació universitària
(Aquest document s'ha d'adjuntar en el moment de la inscripció).
Access requirements
This Master's degree is addressed to university graduates seeking to make a career in the field of social research or use the knowledge and tools that it provides in their present work. Therefore, it is specifically addressed to:
- Graduates/ holders of pre-EHEA university diplomas wishing to extend or complete their applied social research training as a professional or applied orientation.
- Specialists and other professionals in businesses or institutions who wish to extend or refresh their applied social research skills so as to make use of them in their work context, with a required degree of Graduate or Diploma.
The programme is of greatest interest to those with a background in sociology or political science, but the multidisciplinary nature of research methods in social and human sciences means that it is also of interest to those coming from psychology, anthropology, economics, law, communication science, etc., seeking to widen their knowledge of research techniques.
For this reason there are no specific access requirements, and the Graduate Diploma is addressed both to graduates and to holders of pre-EHEA university diplomas.
Selection criteria
In accordance with demand, a selection will be made based on the following criteria.
Academic transcript (70%)
Previous training in social research techniques (10%)
Previous training in sociology and political science (10%)
Statement of interest (10%)
Notice of admission
The admission resolution will be sent to the e-mail address you specify when you fill the application. In this e-mail you will receive detailed information of the enrolment procedure.
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