- UAB Specialisation Diploma
- Code: 3844/7
- 7th edition
- Modality: Face to face
- Credits: 30 ECTS
- Start date: 13/01/2025
- Finish date: 14/10/2025
- Places: 40
- Orientation: Professional
- Price: 1980 €
Special price 1921 €
Group of application:
Special price 1881 €
Group of application:
- Teaching language: Spanish (90%), English (10%)
- Location: Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral. Edifi blanc, Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)
The postgraduate course in Quality Management Systems trains students to adequately manage quality objectives in order to guarantee competitiveness and continuity in public and private organisations.
In Spain, there are over 36,000 companies certified with ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS), one of the strategic tools most in demand by organizations. This implies the need for technical staff, consultants and auditors with specific training in the management of these certifications and in the implementation of quality management systems.
These studies include the professional certification as auditor of quality management systems, issued by a recognized and accredited international certification body for the certification of quality management systems in companies, both private and public, in various sectors.
Aimed at:
- Professionals responsible for industrial processes
- Professionals responsible for the implementation and auditing of Quality Management Systems (QMS)
- Other professionals linked to quality certifications for public and private organizations
Career opportunities
- Head of the quality department in a public or private organisation.- Quality specialist in a public or private organisation.
- QMS auditor in a public or private organisation.
- Quality consultant.
- ISO 9001 consultant.
- Quality trainer.
- ISO 9001 trainer.
- Internal QMS auditing trainer.
UAB masters and graduate diplomas may include or facilitate external academic internships in companies or institutions in order to help the student to achieve a level of expertise that facilitates the insertion or promotion in the workplace...
These internships may be curricular (compulsory) or non-curricular (optional).
- Curricular
Curricular practices are those which are included in the curriculum of the studies and, therefore, must be overcome to obtain the degree. The programme manager will explain you the details of how, where and under what conditions you should do the internship.
- Non-curricular
Extracurricular practices are those that are not included in the curriculum of the studies. You can choose to do them in addition. The coordination of your program will explain the details of how, where and under what conditions can they be carried out.
Scholarships and financial aid
At the UAB grants' website you will find information on financial aids, grants, competitions, prizes and subsidies for the university community.
Chek all the information in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.
Coordinating centres
FUAB Formación. Prevención y Seguridad Integral
Armando Equeter Leva
Phone: 935929710
Gestió Acadèmica
Phone: 935929710
Additional information