
Strabismus: Basics in strabology: Anatomy of the extraocular and orbital muscles, organization of the oculomotor system, concept of diplopia, visual direction, confusion, sensory adaptations, motor value, fusion and fusion amplitude, clinical history, objective examination and subjective examination.

Childhood strabismus: Examination, diagnosis and management of the patient with strabismus in pediatric age. Endotropies, exotropies, alphabetic syndromes, hyperactivity of oblique muscles, paralysis of cranial pairs.

Adult strabismus: Surgery for childhood-onset strabismus in adulthood, Strabismus due to sensory causes: management and surgery. Strabismus secondary to eye surgery: strabismus secondary to retinal surgery with special attention to retinal detachment surgery, strabismus secondary to cataract surgery, strabismus secondary to refractive surgery, risk assessment of diplopia and/or oculomotor deviation in the patient tributary to refractive surgery, strabismus secondary to orbital surgery, strabismus secondary to glaucoma surgery, strabismus secondary to ocular surface surgery. Diplopia: physiopathological bases of diplopia, examination of the patient with diplopia, clinical history, etiological diagnosis and clinical attitude. Prismotherapy and surgical management.

Pediatric ophthalmology: early detection of diseases and comprehensive management of the pediatric patient with ophthalmological pathology. Amblyopia: concept, pathophysiological bases and classification. Refractive technique and prescription of glasses, prescription of occlusion therapy. Development and monitoring. Anomalies of embryonic development: Congenital cataract: classification, associated anomalies, clinical and surgical management, when and how to operate, approaches and surgical techniques. Visual rehabilitation and monitoring. Microphthalmia, colobomas, anterior segment dysgenesis.

Retinal pathology in pediatric age: clinical management and therapeutic attitude to the different pathologies: retinal detachment in pediatric age, retinopathy of prematurity, retinal dysplasias and dystrophies, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous.

Pediatric neuroophthalmology: Eyelid pathology and lacrimal pathway: differential diagnosis of epiphora in children, management of lacrimal pathway obstruction, classification and management of congenital ptosis. Ocular pathology associated with systemic disease: ophthalmological involvement in the different systemic diseases.

Introduction to research methodology: writing of the research protocol, bodies and documentation for the presentation of research projects to ethics committees and regulatory bodies, analysis of the results and dissemination and standards of good clinical practice.

Final Master's Thesis:

Depending on the student's interest, it can be either a research paper or analyzes of clinical cases. In any case, the work must respect the following instructions and sections

Subject Credits Type

Strabismus: fundamental principles of strabology



Children's Strabismus



Adult strabismuses and strabismus secondary to ocular surgery



Pediatric Ophthalmology



Retinal Pathology in Pediatric Age



Pediatric Neuroophthalmology. Palpebral Pathology and Lacrimal Pathology and Associated with Systemic Disease



Introduction to Research Methodology



Master's Dissertation



Specific skills

-KT01- Identify essential strabismus in adults, strabismus in thyroid patients, childhood onset, and secondary to ophthalmic surgery.
-KT02- Describe all aspects associated with amblyopia and its diagnosis
-KT03- Recognize retinal pathologies in children.
-KT04- Distinguish eye pathologies associated with systemic disease
-KT05- Describe the development of clinical studies and presentation of results at clinical sessions, congresses, etc. and apply it
-ST01- Apply medical and surgical treatments to treat extraocular muscle paralysis
-ST02- Identify developmental states from a clinical point of view.
-ST03- Apply medical and surgical treatments to cases of amblyopia.
-ST04- Determine medical and surgical treatment in childhood retinal pathologies.
-ST05- Identify pathologies of the tear ducts, eyelid pathologies and their medical and surgical treatments.
-ST06- Identify congenital cataracts with their evolutionary states, from a clinical point of view and medical and surgical treatments.
-ST07- Structuring the processing and writing of information by publications, specialized magazine articles, book chapters and translation of presentations
-ST08- Analyze the regulations applicable to research projects.
-ST09- Evaluate ophthalmological treatment and the surgical field, solving the problems that arise and making quick decisions.
-CT01- Integrate oral communication skills with patients while conveying diagnoses with close language to ensure understanding.
-CT02- Defend a critical reasoning based on knowledge, as well as an ethical commitment to patients and to a treatment of excellence in patient care.
-CT03- Bring together skills in oral and written communication of knowledge in presentations, clinical sessions and defense of results.
-CT04- Combine teamwork with other medical subspecialties and complementary tests

Title obtained

Master of Permanent Training in Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmology