- UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
- Code: 2264/23
- 23th edition
- Modality: Face to face
- Credits: 90 ECTS
- Start date: 01/10/2024
- Finish date: 15/06/2027
- Places: 45
- Orientation: Professional
- Price: 18810 €
Special price 15930 €
Group of application: Students with a scholarship (LAL, ICLAS, ) or members of SECAL, ESLAV, Residents ECLAM
Special price 16920 €
Group of application: Spanish or foreign students of research centers
- Teaching language: English
- Location: Facultat de Veterinària. Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Specifically, the program is designed for veterinary or other specialists responsibly in situ of the welfare and care of animals, or with functions as designated veterinarian.
Each module / course can be completed independently and some of them lead to obtaining accreditation for other functions such as performing procedures, project and procedures design or project evaluation. The course is designed to be completed in three years and to be fully compatible with a full-time job. The modules are intensive and two are run each year lasting between 1-2 weeks. In this way, the course can accommodate students who live outside Barcelona.
If the entire program is completed, the student will get sufficient training to obtain recognition on all the personnel functions described in Directive EU63 / 2010 and is the RD 53/2013 such as performing procedures, project design, and project evaluation. See individual modules for details.
The courses and programs that you will find here are all recognized and accredited by European institutions, ensuring quality and respect for the highest ethical standards.
Career opportunities
- Responsible of animal facility- Advisor in animal welfare
- Responsible in situ of welfare of experimental animals
- Director of studies in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
- Designated veterinarian
- Specialist in experimental animals
- Member of ethics committees and other bodies responsible for animal experimentation
- This training, accounting for 15 ECTs, takes place in the student's own work place and is supervised by Master course teachers. The training is supplemented with placements in other animal centers which satisfy the requirements for practical training for the Master course.
- Each student must prepare a detailed written description of their workplace and their tasks performed. The student's Master tutor will establish a plan for monitoring and evaluating the student's work. Depending on the amount of time that the student is able to dedicate to specific tasks, the variety of species housed in their center and the diversity of tasks, the Master coordinator may assign additional tasks to supplement the training.
- To ensure that students have experience in all areas of the Master syllabus, students are required to complete a practical placement in a different animal center to the one they work in focusing on areas in which they need experience.
Scholarships and financial aid
Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.
Coordinating centres
Departamento de Biologia Celular, Fisiología e Inmunología
Facultad de Veterinaria
Collaborating centres
European College for Laboratory -animal Science (ECLAM)
ICLAS (International Council for Laboratory Animal Science)
Sociedad Española de Ciencias del Animal de Laboratorio (SECAL)
Patri Vergara Esteras
Phone: 935811848