- UAB Master's Degree (Continuing Education)
- Code: 1782/26
- 26th edition
- Modality: Face to face
- Credits: 60 ECTS
- Start date: 08/10/2024
- Finish date: 30/09/2026
- Places: 35
- Orientation: Academic, Professional
- Price: 5400 €
- Teaching language: Spanish (50%), Catalan (40%), English (10%)
- Location: Casa de Convalencència, Hospital de St. Pau. C. Sant Antoni Mª Claret, 171, 08041 Barcelona

The focus of the study is fundamentally applied and focused on the professional practice of psychology, with a basic theoretical learning of these disorders and with the acquisition of experience through the integration of the student in the ordinary tasks of evaluation, diagnosis and / or treatment in hospital, clinical or school centers. The main objective of our programs is to provide students with up-to-date knowledge about child and youth clinical psychopathology.
Compulsory on-site placement in one of the centres or schools that have a formal agreement with this programme (MASTER'S DEGREE, 600 hours). The aim: to acquire knowledge and experience in the area of operations of the assigned centre.
Placement centres
Amalgama-7 Centre d'atenció biopsicosocial
ACIDH- Associació Catalana dIntegració i Desenvolupament Humà (Barcelona)
AMPANS- Escola Jeroni de Moragas (Manresa)
CDIAP Montsià (Amposta)
CDIAP Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí (Sabadell)
CDIAP Garrotxa (Olot)
Centre Montse Busquets (Barcelona)
TDAH Vallès (Sabadell)
CGO Mataró i Granollers
CIM Centre de Psicologia Mèdica (Badalona)
Col·legi Oms i de Prat (Manresa)
Consulta Dr. Alda (St. Cugat)
CPL Badalona
CRAB Aprenem
CSMIJ Osona Consorci Hospitalari de Vic
Escola EE Crespinell (Terrassa)
Escoles EE Fàsia (Barcelona)
Escola EE LHeura (Terrassa)
Escola EE Rel (Barcelona)
Escola EE Sants Innocents (Barcelona)
Escola Regina Carmeli Horta
Fundació Adana
Fundació Friends - Educafriends
Fundació Friends - Laboralfriends
Gabinet psicològic Judith de Gea(Mataró)
IDAPP Institut de Diagnòstic i Atenció Psiquiàtrica i Psicològica
Punts de trobada Familiars Creu Roja (St.Cugat)
Punts de trobada Familiars Creu Roja (Terrassa)
Psicodiagnosis (Tarragona)
UNIM TEA Hospital St. Joan de Déu (Esplugues)
Scholarships and financial aid
Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.
Coordinating centres
Departamento de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud
Rosa M. Bonet Rafart
Phone: 935811166
Additional information