Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 5038/1
  • 1st edition
  • Modality: Blended
  • Credits: 21 ECTS
  • Start date: 14/01/2025
  • Finish date: 31/05/2025
  • Places: 25
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 911 €
  • Teaching language: Catalan
  • Location: Dept. de Geografia (UAB) i Espai Cooperatiu Mala Peça (c/ Doctor Puig 14, Sabadell)
The multidimensional crisis has a strong impact on our territories and forces the organisations that have an impact (public, cooperative, community-based) to acquire new perspectives, to rethink their strategies and practices.

This specialisation course aims to provide a quality training space (aimed at university and non-university audiences) that combines some of the central themes of Economic Geography and the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), with an emphasis on the ecosocial transition and ecofeminism.

This is a specialisation course with a strong experiential vector, based on a critical look at the territory, its configuration and the main factors of impact of the ecological, economic, democratic and healing crises. Based on practices and theories linked to the SSE, ecofeminism, economic geography and political science (mainly), it will provide a new look at the territorial development model, based on theoretical elements on the one hand, and the re-signification of the role, functioning and relations of cooperative, public and community actors on the other. To complete the teaching proposal, with the aim of being a tool for replicating new formulas for public management, socio-economic promotion and social organisation, the course emphasises the direct approach to recent and present experiences in the territory led by the public administration, the SSE and citizens or deployed on the basis of their collaboration (public-cooperative-community).

This specialisation course is therefore presented as a limited and practical proposal designed especially for the various agents (public, cooperative, and community) that act with a will to transform at the local and territorial level. A focus that is reinforced from a double perspective, on the one hand the methodological perspective: intensive and of short duration, experiential and enxarxament, open format of the TFE, hybrid format of the sessions... And on the other hand, from the perspective of the contents: critical and innovative look, transversalisation and intersectionality of different theories, specialised teaching staff, live experiences, theoretical-practical knowledge, support materials... A double perspective that makes it, as we were saying, a necessary tool, ideal for a deep transformation of the territories and its/their protagonists.

Career opportunities

This specialisation course is a complementary tool to multiple fields of study and professional sectors, especially in relation to three key areas: associationism related to people's rights and the deployment of resources to make them effective, transformative cooperativism (regardless of the sector in which it is located) and, finally, local or supra-municipal public administration.

In accordance with these professional fields, the specialisation course aims to provide participants with two key skills in the deployment of tasks in the aforementioned fields. Firstly, the ability to analyse and critically interpret the systemic elements that act and shape the territorial contexts in which these organisations operate. And secondly, the ability to develop projects and comprehensive proposals to respond to the needs, rights and concerns of people, from the narrative and strategy, through planning, tools and the construction or reinforcement of the teams created for this purpose.

The specialisation course therefore responds to a key professional need, the critical perspective, the discovery of inspiring projects and the key tools for the applicability of this perspective in the associative, cooperative and public administration spheres, regardless of the sector of activity.

Scholarships and financial aid

In order to carry out the course, and to reduce the cost of enrolment for the students, funding has been requested from the Directorate General for the Social and Solidarity Economy, the Third Sector and Cooperatives for transversal projects to support cooperativism and the social and solidarity economy, to promote, disseminate and foster social and solidarity economy projects, and for the promotion, dissemination and development of social and solidarity economy projects for the promotion, dissemination and encouragement of social and solidarity economy projects.

This financing makes it possible to reduce the registration cost of the course to €250..

Coordinating centres

Departamento de Geografía

Collaborating centres

L'Eixida del Teler SCCL


Eudald Griera Llonch

Phone: 661977185

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