Specialisation Courses


Enrolment formalizes your entrance into the programme and entitles you to obtain the corresponding title or certificate given that you successfully pass it. When you receive the admission notification, you will be able to enroll within the deadlines indicated by the program management.

Enrolment dates

from 21/03/2023 to 25/06/2023

Payment options

You can pay in one of two ways:

  • With credit or debit card (Visa and MasterCard accepted).
  • By bank transfer.

Online enrolment

If you pass admission, you will receive the instructions to enrol via e-mail. Obviously, you cannot enrol without having been admitted.

Online Enrolment:

The application interface will ask you to specify the codes of study and edition of the programme to which you want to enrol. Data from this program are: Study: 2356 and Edition: 14

To fulfill the application you need a NIU (UAB's University Identification Number). Choose the appropriate option for your case:

If you choose to pay by POS (card) and you don't pay the fee during enrolment, you can do it later through this link.



Contact the programme's direction if you have any questions.


175 €

Special prices

Special price: 125 €
Group of application: Students from other doctoral programs UAB

Special price: 80 €
Group of application: Students from the Faculty or from the Department of Translation and Interpretation and East Asian Studies at UAB, and students from faculties with which the PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies currently holds doctoral specific agreements or doctoral Erasmus agreements.



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