Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 4593/4
  • 4th edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Start date: 01/11/2024
  • Finish date: 31/03/2025
  • Places: 60
  • Price: 396 €
  • Teaching language: English
  • Location: Escuela de Postgrado y Formación Continuada, Campus Bellaterra, UAB
This module will present alternative ways of living, be them from other societies, or new ways of understanding well-being that can be implemented here and now, in everyday's life or starting from re-conceptualizing city's space.


This module will present alternative ways of living, be them from other societies, or new ways of understanding well-being that can be implemented here and now, in everyday’s life or starting from re-conceptualizing city’s space:

- Anthropologies of degrowth
- Degrowth, simplicity and well-being
- Degrowth, cities and urban commons


The Living without Growth course is part of the Master in Degrowth: Ecology, Economy and Policy.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambientales


Brenda Nistor

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