Specialisation Courses
  • UAB Specialisation Course
  • Code: 4336/4
  • 4th edition
  • Modality: Online
  • Credits: 2 ECTS
  • Start date: 14/09/2023
  • Finish date: 29/09/2023
  • Places: 20
  • Orientation: Academic, Research
  • Price: 100 €
  • Teaching language: English
  • Location: Facultad de Ciencias
The specialisation course in Basics of Chemistry for Nanoscience will review the fundamental contents of chemistry needed to be able to successfully approach the modules of UAB’s oficial master’s degree in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.


The aim of the course is to introduce the basics of chemistry oriented to nanomaterials and their use in nanometric devices. Basic relationships of symmetries and crystalline groups are also studied.

Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

Facultad de Ciencias


Javier Rodriguez Viejo

Phone: 935811769

More information