Personal Memory
Description of the collection:
Personal memories are preserved in various types of documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, autobiographies, account books, chronicles) and provide family, heritage, accounting or historical data. They have been found in personal, patrimonial or private archives, among others, and they are mainly related to the city (to the guilds, for example) and the rural world (in relation to the ‘mas’ or the house).
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, through the Manuscript Research Group (Department of Modern and Contemporary History) and the Humanities Library, is working on this European Personal Memory Archive, establishing links with Italy, France and England, and pursuing a national and international projection of the history of Catalonia through these published sources. At the moment, the database is focused between the end of the medieval period and the 19th century.
Limit dates: XVI century – XIX century
Date of incorporation: 2011
Depository library: Humanities Library
Where to consult the documentation: DDD and Personal memories database
Rights: These works have been identified as free of use restrictions known according to the law of intellectual property, including related rights. You can copy, modify and distribute the works, as well as to make public communication, even for commercial purposes, without having to request permission.