Collection of pragmatic sanctions and miscellaneous documents (16th - 19th centuries)

Col·leccions Especials
Social Sciences Library

The Pragmatic collection and other documents (S. XVI-XIX) is a collection that is part of the Carandell Economic Library and is made up of approximately 1,130 documents, mostly from the subject of Law.

Description of the collection:
There are two types of documents:

     1. Pragmatic (110 documents). A pragmatist is a royal provision, emanating from its own imperial initiative or at the request of public entities or authorities, in matters of public law in which there was no intervention of the Court or the Court.
     2. Documents of legal regulations and other documents. There are 695 documents between Cédulas Reales, Real Orden, Orden, Ordenanza, Real Decreto ...

Deadlines for the collection: S. XVI-XIX

Date of incorporation of the collection: 1979

Depositary Library: Social Sciences Library

Where to check the documentation:

• Collection on paper: Carandell Economic Library. Building B (Library of Social Sciences)
Website of the Carandell Library
• Digitized Collection: DDD

The user undertakes to use this documentation only for research purposes, to cite the origin, if it does disclosure, and to deliver to the Library any work that results from his consultation. The consultation or reproduction of the documents does not presuppose the obtaining of any right regarding the intellectual property of the contents of the documents. Any use contrary to the legislation that regulates it and the rights that it generates will be the responsibility of the user.

