Lluís Capdevila Collection

Fons Personal
Humanities Library

Lluís Capdevila i Vilallonga (Barcelona, 1895 – Andorra la Vella, 1980) was a writer, journalist and translator.

His writings were published in Joventut teatral, De tots colors, Los miserables, L’esquella de la torratxa, La campana de Gràcia and La humanitat. As a militant of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, he fought in the front since 1936 and was exiled to France in 1939. During World War II, in France, he actively collaborated with the Resistance movement. In 1950 he began teaching as a professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Poitiers where, in 1970, he founded the Seminar on Catalan Literature and Philology. When he retired as a professor he went to live in Andorra la Vella, where he died in 1980.

In 2014 Carles Capdevila Mur donated the manuscripts to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and are deposited in the Humanities Library.

Description of the collection: The collection is made up of his personal documentation. It consists basically of manuscripts of his work (plays, articles, translations ...)

Limit dates: 1923-1977

Date of incorporation: 2014

Depository library: Humanities Library

Where to consult the documentationwww.bib.uab.cat/human/fonspersonals/capdevila/

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