Winning teams of the Xarxa Vives debate leagues selected
Team 2F, formed by students Jan Bonet Villaescusa and Júlia Criado Estadella, from the Faculty of Economics; Nora Pardo Torres and Oscar Ballesteros Gormaz, from the Faculty of Political Science; and Andrea Povea, from the Faculty of Communication Studies, won the local UAB phase of the 16th University Debate League of the Vives Network which took place on the week of 24-28 February. The Manyanet Sant Andreu school team won the high school competition, which took place the week before at the UAB. Both teams will represent the UAB in the final to be held at the University of Vic in April.

“Is Linguistic diversity at risk?” is the topic being debated in the university league, while "Is body worship a health threat?" will be debated among secondary and upper secondary school students.
The champion team of the Xarxa Vives University Debate League was Team 2F, formed by students Jan Bonet Villaescusa and Júlia Criado Estadella, from the Faculty of Economics; Nora Pardo Torres and Oscar Ballesteros Gormaz, from the Faculty of Political Science; and Andrea Povea, from the Faculty of Communication Studies. This team will represent the UAB in the final of the University Debate League that will take place on 7, 8 and 9 April at the University of Vic. The jury considered student Jan Bonet to be the best speaker in the competition.
“Is language diversity in danger?” is the topic that was debated. In total, 50 students participated, organised into 12 teams, which were judged by some thirty judges. Seventeen debates were held during the three days of the competition.
All UAB undergraduate students who participated in the University Debate League can request that their participation be validated for 2 ECTS credits.
Winning team of the Secondary School Debate League
The previous week, also in the Theatre Hall, the debates of the local phase of the Xarxa Vives High School Debate League took place. In total, 120 students and 48 teachers participated in 39 different debates. The 24 secondary and upper secondary school centres came from Vallès Occidental and Oriental, Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat, Bages, Alt Penedès and Gironès regions. “Is body worship a health threat?” was the topic debated by the students during the week of 17-21 February.
In the final, the Manyanet Sant Andreu School team won the competition and will represent the UAB in the final at the University of Vic. Student Paula Cubel was considered the best speaker of the competition.
The 39 judges valued skills such as teamwork, lines of argument and clarity of expression. The panel of judges, consisting of three judges and a chief judge, are made up of teachers, technicians and student members of debate groups (Grup d'Argumentació i Debat, and Unanimum), who chose the best speaker in each debate. The participant who received the most votes from the judges was awarded the prize for best speaker.