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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Winners of the UAB Debate League announced

09 Jan 2017
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The winners of the ninth edition of the UAB Debate League have been announced. Anna Vilà and l'Edward Bernal will be in charge of representing the UAB at the University Debate League organised by the Vives University Network, which will take place from 24 to 27 April.
Guanyadors de la Lliga de Debat UAB 2017
This year, the debate revolved around the following topic: Should governments have control over the media? The activity was aimed at students willing to improve their communication skills in relation to public speaking, which is a highly valued skill among university students. Joining the Debate League can be a fun way to enhance public speaking competences.
For those of you who would like to participate in the activity, you must register as part of a team made up of a minimum of 2 students up to a maximum of 5. Each team will adopt a position in favour of or against a current topic. To do so, first you need to fill in this form (registration period ends on 8 February 2017). The participating students will be able to apply for 2 ECTS credits in recognition of their participation in the debates.
The competition will be made up of one or more debates between the teams, depending on the number of registered teams. After the registration period, the Debate League regulations will be given out to each team’s spokesperson so that all teams have the chance of properly preparing their contribution to the debate. The winning team will be representing the UAB in the University Debate League organised by the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats from 25 to 29 April.
For further information on the UAB Debate League, please visit the Debate League’s blog, the Community Involvement’s Youtube channel, to watch videos from previous editions, and the Community Involvement’s website. Join the UAB Debate League!
