UAB opens its doors to future students from 2 to 4 February
As every year, the UAB is organising its Open Days to make its course offer known to future students. They will take place from 2 to 4 February and are expected to attract over 20,000 secondary pupils and vocational trainees from around 400 centres. There are two new additions to the course offer for 2016-2017: a new Open Bachelor's Degree in Languages and Literatures and a common access path to telecommunication engineering studies.
There will be over 200 talks by UAB lecturers covering all of the degree programmes. And in addition, there will be a talk for teachers each day, and guided tours of the Vila Universitària.
A web app to help you get around
This year a new web app will be available, showing the location of each talk and giving information on the campus services (bars and restaurants, mobility, physical activities, careers advice, etc.) and on the parallel activities taking place. This app also has a survey for you to give your opinion on the Open Days and stay up-to-date on social networks.
It can be downloaded from the UAB website or by scanning the QR code on the cards that have been sent to schools and will be handed out on campus during the Open Days.
Instagram contest
The Open Days programme this year includes a photography contest on Instagram for attendees. Contestants can post their photos on Instagram from 2 to 7 February.
Just follow the Instagram account @uniautonomabarcelona and tag it in your photo, together with the hashtag #PortesObertesUAB, giving your name and school. The photos must be original and contain something that shows they have been taken at the UAB. The judges will pick three photos, which will be published on the UAB Instagram profile on the 10th. The one that receives the most "likes" between 11 and 18 February will win an iPad Mini Wifi 32 GB.
Open Bachelor's Degree in Languages and Literatures
In academic year 2016-2017, there will be two new additions to the UAB degree course offer. On the one hand, the Open Bachelor's Degree in Languages and Literatures will be offered for the first time, allowing two specialisations to be combined in the first year before continuing with just one of them from the second year on. This should be of interest to students who are finding it hard to choose between different programmes in language and literature.
It is a novel way to access four Language and Literature programmes taught by the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: Catalan Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature, Classical Studies and French Studies.
During the first year, students can combine two of these programmes, taking subjects from both degrees. And from the second year onwards, they need to choose one of the two. They will be advised by a personal tutor before and after making their choice.
This version does not mean having to take more time to obtain the degree. Moreover, it lets students obtain one of the specialisations (mencions) offered by the Faculty and, if they wish, complete the other programme that they began in the first year, and so obtain two bachelor's degrees.
Common access path to telecommunication engineering programmes
The second novelty in the upcoming academic year is that access to telecommunication engineering bachelor's degree studies will be unified in one path through a single university pre-registration code number. First-year students will take common basic-training subjects and second-year students will take common subjects from the telecommunications branch.
Then, in the third and fourth years, they can specialise in telecommunication electronics or in telecommunication systems. In this way they go on to graduate in Electronic Engineering or in Telecommunication Systems.
More information:
Open Days
Instagram contest