UAB offers positions for lecturers and assistant lecturers
The UAB offers ten positions for lecturers and assistant lecturers starting in the 2014/15 academic year and lasting a maximum of five years. The positions belong to the following departments:
- Department of Musical, Artistic and Corporal Expression Teaching
- Department Language, Literature and Social Sciences Teaching
- Department of Applied Education
- Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies
- Department of Clinical and Health Psychology
- Department of Journalism and Communication Studies
- Department of Nursing
- Department of Advertising, Relations and Audiovisual Communication
- Department of Business
- Department of Systematic and Social Education
To apply for these positions, applicants must hold a PhD degree and include a favourable report from a qualified external assessment agency (you must apply for a copy of the report form from 15 September to 3 October).
Applicants with a PhD degree issued in another country will need to validate their qualifications according to current regulations. Please consult the information on document validation available on the UAB website.
The UAB will publish details about when to apply for this call and where to hand in all documents in the near future.