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UAB collaborates with the "Human Bodies" exhibit

TV3: La UAB col•labora en una exposició sobre anatomia
Until 12 October, the "Human Bodies" exhibit at the Arenas shopping centre in Barcelona will be displaying real body samples used in anatomy classes of the faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Members of the university community will have a 50% discount on exhibit entrances.


Samples from the faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine will be on display at the exhibit which can be seen until 12 October at the Arenas shopping centre in Barcelona (Plaça Espanya). "Human Bodies", an exhibit organised by Musealia, includes fifty new objects and medical material on loan by the UAB and by the faculties of medicine of the University of Barcelona and the University of Girona. It is the first time that these samples will be on display and represents an opportunity to discover the academic material used by the universities in these fields.

The purpose of the exhibit, in addition to showing how the human body functions and its components, is to raise awareness among the population of the importance of healthy habits. Different exhibit halls are dedicated to the respiratory system, the skeleton, circulation, digestive system, etc.

All samples on display are real and have undergone a process called plastination, which preserves the biological material and maintains its original aspect. The faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine are the first in Catalonia to use this technique. Plastination laboratories were set up in both faculties in 2002 with the aim of preserving the anatomy of fishes for teaching purposes. The continuous training of lecturers and technicians in charge of the anatomy laboratories makes it possible to adapt different anatomy techniques to plastination, with very satisfactory results.

Members of the university community will have a 50% discount on exhibit entrances. With the UAB card, the entrance price will be 6 Euros instead of 12 Euros.

More information: Human Bodies