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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB sets up purple information stands in all of its teaching centres

22 Sep 2023
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The purple information points aim to raise awareness and inform on the very concepts of harassment, as well as provide assessment on the circuits, tools and people in charge of equality policies at each centre, as well as on the Observatory for Equality, available to all members of the university community.


One of the commitments the Governing Team had with the university community at the end of last year was to install purple information points in all teaching centres with the aim of providing information and raise awareness of situations in which there is gender-based and LGTBphobia violence on campus. 

The information points were designed to include the image created by illustrator Maria Vidal and which was used in the campaign "Responem davant les violències masclistes* and in some of the institutional events held by the UAB Observatory for Equality. The image was presented in the past meeting of the Commission for University Equality and Social Responsibility.

This action aims to raise awareness and inform on the very concepts of harassment, as well as provide assessment on the circuits and people ready to help any member of the university community. At the same time, it aims to remind members of the harassment prevention protocol: Protocol against sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression as a fundamental tool in the fight to end gender-based violence at the UAB.

For more information please visit: UAB Observatory for Equality

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced inequalities
