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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB's Festa Major this year takes place from home

06 Nov 2020
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On Thursday 5 November, the UAb's Festa Major will take place, but this year all celebrations will be held online. In views of the current pandemic, the UAB had decided to bring all events into the homes of its community and offer them at uab.cat/festamajor


The slogan chosen for this year is related to the current health crisis and encourages us to take care of each other: "Cuidem-nos a la UAB". Especially now being careful and caring for ourselves and others is particularly relevant in a context in which it is made obvious how vulnerable, fragile and dependent we are, and makes us question our autonomy and self-sufficiency, based on our current social, political and economic system. The FM2020 will be online and can be followed on the Festa Major website.

The activities available through the FM website will begin 5 November with the inaugural speech entitled "Cuidem-nos a la UAB!" by Claudia Fernández, who studies Nursing, and Elena Bechtold Javier, who studies Medicine.  

Following their inaugural speech, the UAB Choir directed by Poire Vallbé will offer a performance. There will also be performances by the student association Xaranga Akelarre. And later a live radio programme will be braodcast from the UAB Mèdia, "Què fem a la FM?" at the Faculty of Communication Studies.  

There will also be an online Karaoke, organised by the student association Korean Club. Please sign up to participate.

Following the Karaoke activity, a variety of performances will be offered online by groups such as Psicodrama and Aura.

Joan Estrader will then offer a monologue entitled Manojo de Ideas, directed by Jesús Peñas, in a hilarious reflection on creativity, absurd opinions on reality and an exercise of ingenuity to show the public an alternative version of the concept of design, with humour as the main tool to transmit it all. 

Next, there will be a performance by Aradia i Montserrap. Finally, the FM2020 will end with a performance by the music group Ginestà.

All of the musical performances will be offered as part of the Fura Fest Festival, the first music festival against gender violence at the UAB.

Opening Conference

The activites included in the Festa Major began with the presentation of the slogan "Cuidem-nos a la UAB" on Thursday 29 October at 1 p.m. through the FM website. Vice REctor for Students and Employability Màrius Martínez presented the slogan and gave way to the inaugural conference on what the coronavirus has taught us and the birth of a care-based society, entitled L'ensenyança del coronavirus: Una refundació de la societat fonamentada en la cura. The conference was given by UAB lecturer and sociologist Maria Jesús Izquierdo. Fot this UAB lecturer, "the crisis generated by Covid-19 has given us the opportunity to reestablish a society based, not on autonomy, but on dependence, which means changing the quest for freedom to that of responsibility; not focusing so much on what we have the right to, what we want, but on what we should do while understanding that we all need each other”. 


The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good health and well-being
