The UAB is the top university in Spain and ranks 178 worldwide in this year's QS ranking
The UAB has moved up 31 positions in comparison to last year's edition of the QS World University Rankings and now occupies position 178 worldwide, and ranks first among all universities in Spain.

The UAB now occupies position 178 worldwide in the QS WUR 2023 edition, a rise in 31 positions when compared to position 209 which it held in last year's edition. With regards to universities in Spain, the UAB is now the #1 university. The data also reveals that, despite variations in the UAB's position in these past years, it continues to improve in percentile year after year. The UAB currently finds itself among the 12.5% of top universities in the world, while in 2004 it was among the 20.5 percentile despite occupying the 173rd position in the ranking, due to the rise in number of universities evaluated.
When it comes to its global score, the UAB receives 45.8 points out of 100 (up from 42.6 in the 2022 edition) and there is a notable improvement in some of the criteria. In citations per faculty, the UAB goes from 90.3 citations to 139, which represents a rise of more than 14 points (from 52.7 to 66.9). QS assigned the UAB a total of 26,092 articles (2016-2020 period) and over 419,000 citations (295,001 once once the auto-citations were eliminated and were normalised by area of research).
With regards to internationalisation criteria, the percentage of foreign lecturers and researchers (PDI), the UAB passes from 11.1% to 11.3%, and this is reflected in a small rise and improvement in its position at international level.
The UAB continues to have a very good academic reputation among academics from other universities, with a total score of 62.2 points. This fact is fundamental to explain the position of the UAB within the global ranking, given that this indicator represents 40% of the total score.
The results are a recognition of the efforts made by the UAB in research, which this year is backed by a new indicator (not yet included in the ranking) that evaluates the international research network and places the UAB in 91st position worldwide.
To create the ranking, which classifies the top 500 universities in the world, QS directly requests each university data about its past academic year (2021/22) and obtains the number of citations of the past six years based on the information available in Elsevier's scientific database, SCOPUS.
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