The UAB donates 11,226 euros to 35 schools affected by the DANA floods to help buy school material
On 6 November 2024, the UAB began a donations campaign in solidarity with the victims of the natural disaster in Valencia produced by the DANA episode during the last days of October. The campaign raised a total of 11,226 euros which will be donated to by school material for schools affected by the DANA.

Today, UAB Rector Javier Lafuente received Alexandra Usó, president of Escola Valenciana, in a meeting that took place at the Rector's Office and was also attended by the secretary general of the UAB, Esther Zapater, and the director of the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS), Jordi Prat.
The FAS received all donations and managed the aid in an orderly manner through a specific programme created for this emergency. The money collected is destined to the campaign “one euro, seed of solidarity” of the Escola Valenciana organisation. Thus, thanks to the solidarity of the UAB community, 35 schools in 16 localities affected by the DANA will receive a check of 350 euros from Abacus for the purchase of school supplies.
Specifically, the aid will benefit schools in Aldaia, Albal, Alfafar, Algemesí, Alginet, Benetússer, Beniparrell, Catarroja, Xest, Xiva, Xirivella, l'Alcúdia, Paiporta, Picanya and Utiel.
The more than eleven thousand euros raised are the result of donations from 136 people and the contribution of one thousand euros from the FUAB on the occasion of its Christmas Donation campaign. The contributions were channeled through the Mecenatge UAB, a crowdfunding platform that allows entities, organisations and companies to collaborate in solidarity.
Donations of materials and aids for victims
In addition to this initiative, other actions were carried out in support of Valencia. In December, the Student Council of the UAB School of Engineering promoted a joint initiative with the FAS and the UAB Open Labs to collect computer equipment. The FUAB responded to the call by giving 75 computers and other people, individually, gave screens, keyboards and other computer materials that engineering students refurbished. The FAS was responsible for sending the materials to the University of Valencia.
And, in coordination with the cooperation area of the University of Valencia, the FAS made two shipments of material and furniture to areas affected by the DANA. Office material collected from the Departments of Medicine and Surgery of the UAB was sent to the Faculty of Teaching in Valencia and thirty chairs from the Faculty of Medicine of the UAB were sent to the secondary school of Albal.
The UAB activated a set of specific measures to support the students of the University affected by the DANA in order to minimise academic and personal impacts. Specific financial aid was made available, including the reimbursement of tuition fees and a support of 500 euros per month for a period of six months. In the academic area, adaptation measures were implemented, such as flexibility in the delivery of assignments and access to single evaluations, and mechanisms were established to streamline procedures such as the modification of enrollment or the cancellation of courses, if necessary. In addition, access to the Psychological Attention Service of the Healthcare Service was facilitated to offer support to students who requested it.
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