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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB approves a protocol of curricular adjustments for students with specific needs

05 Sep 2024
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The UAB Governing Council approved a protocol of curicular adjustments for students with specific educational support needs. The aim of the protocol is to foster equal opportunities among people with any type of physical, sensory or mental disability, chronic illness, neurodevelopmental disorder or high abilities.


The curricular adjustments established by the protocol “may refer, among others, to teaching and learning methodologies, teaching materials and evaluation systems”. It also specifies that “the adjustments may in no case imply a reduction in the required academic level”, and dedicates a section to each type of disability.

According to the text, the recipients of the protocol are, in addition to the students, “members offering inclusion services at the UAB's PIUNE, those responsible for inclusion at centres” and “teaching staff in general”. The protocol stipulates that, “in each situation, the PIUNE will issue a diagnosis of the needs of students with specific educational support needs and their respective report with the curricular adjustments to be applied”.

This document is in addition to the equal opportunities regulations, also recently approved, and the charter of rights and duties of PIUNE students, drafted so that students can know and understand all the implications of being a user of this service.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced inequalities
  • Quality education
