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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Katalanische Literatur des Mittelalters series publishes its 10th volume

05 May 2020
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The volume entitled Col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa, by Cristòfol Despuig, is the tenth volume of this series, considered a unique corpus in German on medieval Catalan literature. The series' director is Alexander Fidora, ICREA lecturer-researcher at the Department of Antiquity and Middle Age Studies.

Col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa, de Cristòfol Despuig

The series Katalanische Literatur des Mittelalters (Medieval Catalan Literature) was presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2007, the year in which Catalan literature was the guest of honour. Over a decade later, this project has just published its 10th volume: the Col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa, by Cristòfol Despuig, commissioned to romance language experts Corinna Albert and Roger Friedlein from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and co-published by Editorial Barcino (Barcelona) and LIT Verlag (Münster).

"This is an important achievement for a project that has allowed us to offer a corpus of unique Catalan literature in German and provide a privileged access to essential works from the medieval period“, explains Alexander Fidora, who highlights works such as Curial e Güelfa, an anthology by Ausiàs March, another anthology by Jordi de Sant Jordi, the literary works of Ramon Llull, religious writing of Arnau de Vilanova, a selection of sermons by Vicent Ferrer, Lo somni by Bernat Metge and the Disputa de l’ase by Anselm Turmeda.

The Katalanische Literatur des Mittelalters series is published in collaboration with a council of renowned Catalan philologists, including Josep Pujol from the UAB Department of Catalan Studies. The first translation into German of Llibre dels fets by Jaume I will be published soon, and in the future publishers are hoping to print out works by many more authors, such as Francesc Eiximenis and Jaume Roig.
