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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The "Camina la UAB!" campaign launches its health activities

17 Feb 2022
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As part of the UAB's campaign for a more sustainable and healthy campus, Camina la UAB! Per un campus més saludable i sostenible, the university has published videos showing the walking routes that can be used around campus. This action aims to foster sustainable mobility and improve the health of university members.


In October 2021, the UAB presented an initiative to foster a healthy lifestyle among members of the university community. Through its campaign entitled Camina la UAB! Per un campus més saludable i sostenible [Walk the UAB! For a Healthier and More Sustainable Campus], the university has prepared a series of actions focused on health and sustainability. The latest action has been to create different videos showing walking routes around campus and the minutes of each trajectory.

In addition to the videos, the information of the different walks is also shown on the digital screens of each centre and on the banners hung throughout the campus.

The campaign aims to transmit that walking as a way to move around the campus is a healthy and free activity; and that it is highly recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it focuses on the fact that the UAB and its surroundings are ideal places in which to walk, with a pleasant environment and short distances between buildings and different campus areas. The initiative also reminds members that, according to the World Health Organisation, our lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary, with mobilised transport and a growing use of screens when working, learning and for entertainment. The lack of physical activity increases the risk of premature deaths and of suffering from obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, arthritis, and other coronary diseases.

The UAB, through its Healthy and Sustainable Campus project (Campus Saludable i Sostenible, SiS) and its 2018-2024 Mobility Plan, is fully committed to offer the best possible conditions that help members get around campus by walking
. The videos launched for this campaign can be viewed on this link.

More information: 

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good health and well-being
  • Sustainable cities and communities
