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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Small appliances repair Workshop

20 Oct 2022
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The Community Dynamite Unit organises a small appliance repair workshop at the Resource Centre on 29 November next


In a few weeks' time, the moment of the year will begin, where the greatest impact of our consumption model is felt. A model that is reinforced by events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday and is not sustainable. It is therefore necessary to look for alternatives which have as their central axis the fight against climate change and which will help us to make savings.

The workshop addresses the entire university community and is part of the workshop programming that will take place at the Centre for Resources for Collectives during this course. You can query all programming in the following link (the blog ofdirectory.org)

That is why the Community's dynamics team will organise a small appliance repair workshop aimed at the entire university community interested in learning to give a second life to equipment that is no longer working.

The workshop will be delivered by the non-profit entity Solidança which has more than 20 years of experience offering quality services linked to integrated waste management and the circular economy while promoting socio-economic integration and training actions of groups at risk of social exclusion.

The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with basic knowledge and tools to be able to independently repair their small appliances and encourage the re-use of what we already have in households instead of buying first-hand things.

In terms of training, its structure will be divided into two parts:

First we will have a theoretical part where the technical equipment for Solidance will make a presentation and explain the fundamental concepts and parts that make up the majority of small appliances. This information will provide the assistants with the theoretical notions necessary to deal with the repair of appliances.

Then there will be a practical part where a range of broken devices were available which, by applying the knowledge acquired on the theoretical side, the assistants will try to repair and give them a second chance. Of course, if you have something broken, you can take it and try to return it home working as the first day.

The day will also involve TecnoUAB, a group of students enrolled in the Directory promoting engineering research and learning at the university, who will present their projects focused on creating objects from recycled materials.

The workshop will take place on 29 November at the Resource Centre and will last approximately two and a half hours. If you want to attend you can enroll with this enrolment form (link to form), remember that there are limited places!

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Responsible consumption and production
