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School of Engineering to host its first "Mamuthack"

Hackathon MamutHack UAB 2019
The UAB School of Engineering will be hosting on 5 and 6 October the first MAMUTHACK programming contest, or hackathon. A total of 150 participants and more than 32 hours of programming will be used to develop projects in collaboration with well-known companies such as Assembler, Chicfy and Holded. 


Mamuthack is a project created in 2019 by a group of entrepreneurial students. The objective of the competition is to offer participants the opportunity to demonstate their talents. The majority of participants are university students although the contest is open to the public in general.  Those interested can participate individually or in groups.

The teams must design, build, create and present projects proposed by the organisation or collaborating companies. In this manner, they will be able to demonstrate their talent and put into practice all of their knowledge and abilities.

The event will take place at the School of Engineering on 5 and 6 October. During these two days, which will be filled with an entrepreuneurial spirit, participants will be able to meet others with similar interests and from a variety of backgrounds. Meeting new people, establishing contacts and working in teams to create a sold network of collaborators will be some of the objectives fulfilled during this competition weekend.

The competition will commence at 8 a.m. on Saturday 5 October. An opening ceremony will be held and then teams will be assigned, after which the programming will begin. A non-stop 32 hours of programming, with time only for lunch and dinner (and sleep if needed) will end with the exhibition of projects and the jury's evaluation at 4 p.m. on Sunday.

All those interested in registering can do so here.

More information: and official website

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