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Registrations open for the Debate League 2016

Registration is open again for the Debate League, an event which has the objective of promoting the correct use of language among students through dialectic confrontation between different team. It will take place from 22 to 25 February, and the registration period ends on 15 February.


With the start of the new year comes the UAB University Debate League. This event, which is already in its eighth edition, has the objective of promoting the correct use of language among students through dialectic confrontation between different teams that will have to defend a position for or against a current topic. Participation in the activity will be open to all UAB students enrolled in the 2015-2016 academic year. This year the Debate League will take place from 22 February to 25 February 2016 at the UAB Theatre in l’Àgora (Plaça Cívica).

Participating in the Debate League has many benefits on the students, apart from learning discipline. Nowadays, speaking in public and expressing oneself correctly in front of others is a skill that is becoming more important and required. The Debate league offers an attractive and fun way to promote oratory and to acquire nearly essential skills, such as information searching, presenting non-fallacious arguments and team working.

Moreover, the Debate League always discusses current issues, and this edition is no exception. The chosen theme is: Is it necessary to have a minimum of political knowledge in order to vote?This topic relates to ochlocracy or government by the masses, which questions the citizens’ ability to take economic, politic and social decisions on the grounds of their technical ignorance. In the middle of an election year and the demand for a more participative democracy and the right to decide, the debate’s theme is in accordance with the present political situation.

Registrations are open until 15 February and should be made by filling this form. Registration will be done by teams with a minimum of 2 students and a maximum of 5. Registration is individual but it is necessary to indicate your group partners and which one of you takes the role of the spokesperson. For further information, you can find the participation rules online.

In the Community Involvement YouTube channel you can watch videos of past editions.