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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"Palabras mayores" language analysis sessions

24 Oct 2014
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The language sessions "Palabras mayores" will take place at the main offices of the UAB Idiomes (Casa Convalescència in Barcelona), and will include the participation of experts in disciplines related to language and written communication.

The organisers explain that languages, as any other tool, need adjustments and tune-ups. The sessions will be held on two days, 30 and 31 October from 4 pm to 9 pm, with four different sessions, each followed by a short debate.

Alberto Gómez Font will speak on the language academies and other referents in a speech entitled "Las Academias de la lengua y los demás referentes del español correcto: ¿a quién seguir?"; Xosé Castro will speak on orthotypographic doubts, with special emphasis on English, in his speech entitled "Dudas ortotipográficas, con especial atención al inglés"; Antonio Martín Fernández will explain the tricks of the trade in "Más trucos y trabajo sucio para el dr. Marco o la normativa según san Word" and Jorge de Buen will offer an introduction to composition techniques in "Introducción al documentismo: Técnicas para componer documentos que otros quieran leer".

"Palabras Mayores" is an association formed by specialists in several disciplines of the Spanish language and written communication, such as language studies, journalism, translation, literature, proofreading and editing.
The participants have offered lectures and conferences in different countries, including Belgium, Canada, United States, Ireland, Luxembourg, Morocco, Great Britain and several Latin American countries.

The sessions "Palabras Mayores" will offer the chance to analyse language from four different viewpoints (communication, translation, proofreading and design). Attendants will be invited to participate through interactions with the professors.


