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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Núria Monserrat, Catalan Minister for Research and Universities, visits the UAB

19 Sep 2024
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New Minister for Research and Universities, Núria Monserrat, visited the UAB campus yesterday as part of a round of meeting with institutions from the Catalan university system.

Núria Montserrat i Javier Lafuente

Minister Montserrat was received by the rector of the UAB, Javier Lafuente, and toured the University's facilities to see first-hand the different faculties, research centres and services available to the university community. She then held a meeting with members of the UAB government team and with the deans of the faculties, as well as the director of the School of Engineering. In this way, Minister Montserrat, who took office on 12 August, was able to become familiar with the campus and the many aspects of teaching, research and transfer activities carried out at the UAB.

Rector Lafuente, in a meeting with the media that also took place yesterday, took the opportunity to demand, as contained in the ACUP's Declaration of Calonge, moving towards a stable funding model of the university system with the aim of achieving an investment equivalent to 1% of GDP. He also detailed the main measures carried out for the stabilisation of staff and the recruitment and retention of talent since the approval of the LOSU. He went on to explain the various actions of the campaign for this 2024/25 academic year, focused on reducing the use of fossil fuels, such as the new edition of the Science Carriage and the inauguration of the academic year, which will take place on 14 October.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
