New UAB Statutes come into force
On 13 March, the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC) published the new Statutes of the UAB, which will govern all institutional activity at the University as of 14 March. The new Statutes were approved by the UAB Senate on 20 June. They are the third to be approved in the 57 years since the founding of the UAB.

The new statutes were approved by agreement of the Government of Catalonia on 11 March. The UAB thus becomes the first public university in Catalonia with new statutes after the approval of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU) in 2023. The new statutes were approved by the senate in June 2024 by 167 votes in favor (83%), 14 votes against (7%) and 21 blank votes (10%).
On the “nature, autonomy, principles of action and functions of the University”, the preliminary title of the Statutes establishes that “the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is governed by respect for human rights and by the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, equality, equity and solidarity” and marks as principles of action the fight against the climate emergency, the promotion of open science and the improvement of the health of all members of the university community, among others. It also lists the functions of the University, from teaching and training to the contribution to social welfare, including the “promotion of critical thinking, scientific rigour, tolerance, pluralism and civic values of a democratic society”. And it highlights the commitment of the UAB “to incorporate in its policies equal opportunities and non-discrimination” for any type of condition or personal or social circumstance, as well as “to apply the gender perspective and the intersectional approach in the set of activities and functions it develops and to work for the prevention of sexist and LGBTI-phobic violence or violence towards any other group”.
The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Quality education
Sustainable cities and communities