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New Sant Pau Research Institute building inaugurated

Institut Recerca Sant Pau
Autor: Aldo Amoretti
The new building was inaugurated on Thursday 15 November and will house all of the hospital's research-related activities. The total cost of construction was 17 million euros.


President Joaquim Torra inaugurated the new Sant Pau Research Institute's building this Thursday 15 November.

The new building, which cost a total of 17 million euros, was funded by the Santa Creu i Sant Pau Hospital's private foundation with a minimum of 12 million euros, and up to 5 million euros in aids from the European Regional Development Fund, administered by the Secretary's Office of Universities and Research of the Ministry for Business and Knowledge, Government of Catalonia.

The overall funding for the project has also included the adjoining provisional spaces until the new building is fully functioning, and this was possible with two lans from the Spanish Ministry for Health, through the Carlos III Institute, and the Council Europe Development Bank (CEB), through Caixabank.

The new research building will concentrate all human and material resources destined to scientific research, with complementary support services covering the main areas of biomedicine, and which will allow for a rational growth of research groups at Sant Pau. It will also be a management and administration centre for the hospital's research resources and a place to transfer research activities to the public health sphere.

The concentration of researchers in one same space has been demonstrated to aid in fostering interrelations between different groups. For this reason, the new Sant Pau research building will provide each group with areas prepared for current and future research projects. It is worth highlighting that the professionals, users of the new centre, will be working closely with the hospital and will play an important role in vringing research activities and results closer to the hospital's healthcare staff.

This new structure also aims to be a pole of attraction for other businesses and groups from around the world with the aim of strengthening interrelations and increasing the added value of Sant Pau's researchers.