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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New Double PhD Programme Specialising in Artificial Intelligence

14 Dec 2016
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The UAB and the Western Sydney University, with the collaboration of IIIA, will offer in 2017 a double PhD programme in Computer Sciences addressed at those interested in research careers in academia or industry in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Nou doble doctorat especialitzat en Intel·ligència Artificial
The double PhD programme will include the participation of renowned academia and lecturers from the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) - located at the UAB campus and member of the UAB-CIE Sphere - and the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics (SCEM) and the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development of Western Sydney University (WSU).

The intensive research offered by the programme will allow students to obtain cutting-edge academic and professional training for their research career in learning systems, multi-agent systems, and knowledge representation and reasoning. Students will benefit from an interdisciplinary training provided by the combined strengths and synergies of the participating institutes, and supervised by lecturers and scientists producing research of the very highest quality, as indicated by an exceptional number of best paper awards at top conferences, and of highly-cited papers at journals and conferences.

Each academic year, the programme will be offered to a maximum of four students, two at each university. Students entering the programme through the UAB will be required to spend a total of six months, in one or several periods during the three or four years of the PhD, at WSU,. The same requirement applies to those entering through WSU, i. e. a total mobility of six months, in one or several periods, at the UAB, with the aim of discovering and comparing the research cultures of both institutes

The programme is addressed principally to students with a solid background in core computer science subjects such as software development, data structures, discrete math, mathematical logic, programming systems, computer systems and knowledge of one or more topics related to artificial intelligence. However, applications are also welcomed from students who may lack a portion of this background but show exceptional promise.
Students will obtain two PhD degrees in Computer Science, one from each University. At UAB, the programme is administered by the Department of Computer Science. At WSU it is administered by the Graduate Research School.

Prospective applicants wanting to enter the programme through the UAB should contact the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) by sending an email to: puyol@iiia.csic.es (Dr Josep Puyol-Gruart). Those wanting to enter through the WSU should contact the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics (SCEM) by sending an email to: A.Bogdanovych@westernsydney.edu.au (Dr Anton Bogdanovych).

Information about current research projects can be found on the web pages of the participating institutes:



