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New course for entrepreneurs at the Faculty of Communication Studies

Curs d'emprenedoria de l'EOI i de Tic Laude
The course is aimed at undergraduates who are in or approaching their final year, master's students, and unemployed graduates from the last three years. It is taught in collaboration with the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) and with support from the TicLaude programme. Enrolment is free, and is open until 23 September.


The course which runs for four weeks starting on 29 September, will cover topics related to entrepreneurship and information and communication technologies, such as intellectual property, marketing, innovation and finance. It includes several personalised tutorials and a final session to present the projects that have been developed.

This course is funded by the Spanish ministries of education and industry and is coordinated by Miguel Pérez, a lecturer in the faculty's Department of Journalism and director of the TicLaude programme.

Those interested in signing up should fill out the form on the EOI website. Email address for further information: