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Master's and Postgraduate Fair at the UAB

Fira de màsters i postgraus a la UAB

Starting on 8 April, the UAB campus will host the 6th Master's and Postgraduate Fair, an event in which all students interested in enrolling in a postgraduate course can learn about options for their academic and professional future.


What difference is there between a master's degree and graduate programme? And what about an official and a UAB-specific master's degree? How can I apply for a work experience? You will find the answer to all these questions at the session on “10 things you need to know before choosing a master's degree or postgraduate programme”, open to all UAB students and the general public. The sessions will be offered in the morning and afternoon of 8 April at the UAB Cinema Hall. Sign up now!

There will be an information stand available at the Plaça Cívica all day.

The UAB's centres will also be offering talks on the specific courses offered at their centres. Please check here for the complete list of faculty conferences.

Admission is free to all conferences, but you must sign up if you want to attend the session on 8 April at the UAB Cinema Hall. You will find the form and a complete list of talks held at the faculties at the Master's and Postgraduate Fair's website.